What's for dinner?

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I like mustard, onion relish and pickled hot bell peppers on my dogs.

Tonight's dinner was pita pizzas baked on the BBQ with fresh garden herbs and a glass of locally brewed IPA.
Interesting with the egg, Adler. Hear that all the time and cannot fault it, even though I have not tried it. Sounds like fork and knife fare though.

You should try it. It really is great. It is messy though, but who cares! The best part is when you first pick up the burger in your hands, and you squeeze down on the bun. The yoke of the fried egg, busts out and oozes all over the burger and saturates the bun. Hmmm, yeah you gotta try it! It is a foodies wet dream.

Truer words have never been said my friend! Locally it's been called a "Bull Burger" though I have no idea why...
Off to light the grill...

Slight time difference same action
Enjoy your meal.

For us, free range gammon steaks done to a T.
Sorry to say but, mustard is a must with gammon...

Cold boiled new potatoes and salad. Freshly made crusty bread and butter.
Stella to toast the sun with
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I like mustard, onion relish and pickled hot bell peppers on my dogs.

I wouldn't put that on my Labradors

OH... Hot Dogs hahahaha... Frankfurters, Saveloy. Very good.

Now.. I always put butter on my roll before the relishes and unmentionable mustard. Is that common practice with you guys too?
That's my position. Who the heck wants to put mustard, onions, pepperoncini, a whole pickle spear, celery salt, etc on a hotdog. Hell you could that on tofu FFS (just learned that acronym).
Popping back to planet earth. albeit briefly

Tea today was a **** off BBQ, a combined effort with the inlaws. Just about everything that you mentioned was cooked and eaten.
Beer was flowing and several hours later I have the most appalling wind... hump.
...hump? Really? ...hump??

Is that a British adjective for an azz trumpet sound? Or just a uneducated man's discrete harrumph to hide the fart.

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