What's on The Workbench

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I'm sure you know how high the sky rides on the side, is it really that off?
Gloss cote applied via rattle can. Also added some other pieces. Decaling and weathering next. Landing gear and wheels are assembled and ready. This bird looks really good to me.. Sorry I couldnt fix it Woj, it doesnt look too bad. I'll get it right on the tomahawk!


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I'm sure you know how high the sky rides on the side, is it really that off?

Here you are a couple of shots of my Spits showing the area for comparison.Of course my Spitfires are of 1/72 scale.


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Finally! I've received a true Lucky answer in context of the native tongue! :lol::lol:

Thanks Lucky and B17, much to work on!
I say old chap, rather spiffing don't you know! Shame about the demarcation line, but that can easily be touched-in. Great job so far, I'm impressed! (That'll cost you two beers now, one for Jan, one for me!!)
Well dont you know, I am not of age. So apple juice it is you old crickets! Save some coin on that purchase also..
I believe they had me buying, and I dont think I could of passed the bartender with Luckys ID or wildcats, cough I mean Terry. :):lol:
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