What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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wow, that's looking great!!

I've masked off the fuselage of the 707 and tried to apply flat white, but ran out. i shoulda picked up some white when I picked up chrome. so i guess this'll have to wait
heh, I'd like to do a Heinkel, one day!

flat white was applied first. I'm sure most of you know what heppens when you do gloss white, first. and I've masked off the wings and tailplanes, i've also painted the landing gear and the 4 JT4-D engines. I'm excited to see this bird finished ^^I've been getting into the Lockheed Tristar. i wanna do the Airfix 144th Tristar
Looking good Rob. BTW, did you find an airliner seat?

nope, not yet. my only bet would be an aircraft salvage yard down in the American Southwest.

and that green tape is called Frogtape. it's very new and the best one out there. there's this paint block technology applied to the tape. once any kind of moisture hits it, it expands slightly, giving you an airtight seal. once you pull the tape off, you get super clean lines all the way though. I reccomend this tape
you can get it at Wal mart, home depot, Lowe's, or whatever home improvement store you're closest to

and thanks, guys!
Quick pics of very early days on the new-tool Airfix Spit PR.XIX. The cockpit detail is fantastic for the price - essentially a scaled-down and sharpened-up version of the 1/48 Spit cockpits. Tamiya it ain't, but at half the price it's well worth settling for. I've also dry-fitted the fuselage halves and there are NO gaps - again a huge leap forward from the older re-issues.

Apologies for the crap quality, pic was taken on my iPhone. My girlfriend has a decent camera but but I won't have access to it til next Sunday, so better pics then, along with some of my completed Defiant 8)
Cheers Wurger. I learned a lot building the Defiant - the fit was poor, I figured out that spraying enamels doesn't work for me, and I found that decals are much easier to apply than I had thought. It was also the first time I used Klear as a varnish. I'm fairly pleased with how it turned out, given I never usually finish a model I start (I have many lying about half-done), and the lack of experience that suggests. I'm hoping I can take the lessons and make a better job of this model 8)
Cheers engineer. I need the lessons, it also helps that I am changing jobs very soon, working fewer hours and not wanting to fall asleep as soon as I get home. That will probably make things work a lot better

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