What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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I like to work on at least 4 or 5 builds at the same time. I have gone to putting them on "project boards". I take a piece of foam board and laminate some of the reference pics onto it and that makes it easy to switch from "on hold" to primary work space.

Right now I have going (all 1/48th):
1907 dirigible


  • projects.jpg
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I've pulled the tape off the 707, but the bottom chrome has been smudged. so I'm going to have to mask the top once it cures so as to not take away any of the gloss. I've painted the secondary color of the wings and was lucky enough to have enough light grey to finish the job, but forgetting that I have to do the gear fairings a light grey, so thankfully I get paid tomorrow, but I'll be going into town on Friday, so it's ok

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