What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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To be honest it is not too difficult to make these parts, especially of the scale. A few shots here.


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I can't see the pics at the moment Wojtek, but you're right. Being an old kit (around 1970), it's rather basic in parts, although very advanved for the time. Mine was so bad in the area of the landing gear (warped and mis-moulded parts), that I decided to make a belly-landed example, and chose Meyerweissflogs, as per the kit's markings. But, I did get it very cheap, in a Woolworths sale about four years ago. It was marked up as half price, and as it was about £30 at the time, I expected to pay £15. But the woman at the checkout keyed it in to the cash register, and charged me £7 only !!! Can't complain at that!
I also built one back in about 1972, and added a lot of scratch-built detail, and it can be made into a very nice replica.
Can't you see them ???? .... odd.

But you are absolutely right. There are cavities at these areas where the plastic layer is too thick.Especially at the wing trailing edges where ailerons are mounted. I have filled these with Superglue and sanded.What is more the cockpit conopy doesn't fit the hole in the fuselage.There is a lack of 1.5mm in front of the windshield.I have added a thin plastic strip there.Of course I had bended it before. The bays of the main landing gear are very basic that's true as well.
Yes, there are lots of small areas which are poor. On mine, the front of the cockpit, including the instrument panel and the 'canvas' shroud over the rear of the panel, were 'out' by about 3mm or more IIRC.
Regarding viewing the pics, I can't seem to open any pics on the forum today, and can only see those which are already on the page. I posted some pics in my MiG thread earlier, and instead of the box appearing, with the 'Attached Imgaes' title and the small crosses, the pics appeared, and stayed there!
I've also had problems trying to open threads, where it's taken two or three attempts, and quite a few where just a white screen appears. Every other web-site I've looked at today has been fine, the only problems being here on the forum.
Oh, and I've had a few 'Internal Server Error' messages also.
Oh yes..I have encountered the same problem with the pilot panel as well.

Thank you for the info about the forum system Terry. I have noticed a few others too. It seems there is something going wrong.

Great info Jan. :D
To be honest there is not too much seen in the cockpit when both of fusleage halves are put together.So I can't find any reason for any PE attached to the kit. :lol: Finally the P-11 cockpit wasn't too complex and it is possible to get all these parts scratch-built.
True! I left it there anyway, looks......alright now. :oops: It is a rather spartan cockpit! It's a very nice wee aircraft, wouldn't mind to own a real PZL-11, instead for the girlie Cessnas etc., etc. :lol: Know anyone up for sale Wojtek? :lol:
You could get yourself a Scottish Aviation Bulldog, former RAF and Swedish airforce elementary/cadet trainer. They were going for about £25000 online a few years back when the RAF disposed of them. That's cheaper than a Volvo dont'cha know! :lol:
wouldn't mind to own a real PZL-11, instead for the girlie Cessnas etc., etc. :lol: Know anyone up for sale Wojtek? :lol:

Mayby one day.....there will be found somebody who can re-start P-11c manufacturing .
Ha, I suppose it is for most people. I got a few hours flying time on them when I was in the Air Cadets, they were fun but I was rather alarmed by the 'Caution - High Hours' stickers on the instrument panel of one I flew in :shock: :lol:

Slightly back OT, the Spitfire is currently getting a coat of Future, and my Fulmar is slowly taking shape.
I think you'll appreciate the Spit - I'm doing it as an S.31 from 1 Division Flottij, Flygvapnet, based at Nykoping in July 1955. Hopefully it will look the part, and hopefully I've spelt it all out right :oops::lol:

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