What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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Wonder where that guy is. Perhaps lost in a stash avalanche. Anyhoo..was adding decals to my Mk.VIII and something odd caught my eye.

Twelve roundels requiring red centers and only eight red centers. Somebody owes me four red centers.

Is it possible that roundels 8 to 11 are for use with a RAAF aircraft colour scheme? Or possibly just four spare, the other four being for one each of the under-wing roundels, and one each for the fuselage roundels.
However, if that's an after-market sheet, I'd get in touch with the maker/supplier, if the above is not the case.
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Looking at the decla sheet I would say Geo is a lucky man and owns four extra red centres. If there would be a full marking set for all of the Spitfires, there had to be 8 fin flashes and 8 roundels of the B type for wing tops. But.....
ouch, don't ya hate it when ANYTHING is missing? >_O

not too much of a difference from the last photos, but I've gotten much further on the 757. I've finished putting various drawn shades at random spots on the windows, and it's about time to work on the right side. hopefully I can make it look at least half decent. still haven't decided whether or not I'm building pitot tubes and antennas, yet.


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