What's on The Workbench

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Thanks chaps. The pain I get used to, but the frustration of not being able to get the hands to work really p*sses me off !
Evan, I've got a couple of old packing cases you could cobble together as a work bench! Or, go to the local brewery, buy a couple of crates of beer (or Guinness), drink same, and use the crates as a table!
Nice ideas guys! Used to use a door mounted on packing boxes myself.

We do have the nice kitchen table, but "someone" refrains of one's use of said food preparation and serving item for gluing and sanding bits of plastic on...
Now don't go overboard Jan, still holding out against the tides of domestic slavery yet!

Wayne said it right in his post. (-as the classic bible saying goes: 'It's better to sleep on a corner of the roof than share a house with an angry wife') !

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