What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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My MIG pigments came and I tried em out. Wasnt going for accuracy here, but do love how water washes the mistakes away.!


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not bad, Mag!

well, i was able to get another can of air, so I applied a second coat. gonna wait till it cures till I start doing the second color.
Rotating between stuff, did the base for my french curassier. My first go at baseing, need to shave the sides and do some more spots but its done for the most part. Still need to finish the figure tho!


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Not done, I jumped to the base because I wanted to try it out. I used super glue and got a whiff full of "melting grass". I will have them done soon!

I've masked the wings and the horizontal stabilizers, the vertical stabilizer and the fuselage is all that's left, and this is gonna be a pain in my ass >_<
thanks, Ter! I'm really excited abuot using those swastikas on the tail

and did I mention this bird is going in the group build?
My 1/72 Academy tomahawk p40-b.. everything else is done, just need to camo! I love academys engraved panel lines... sexhay! 8)

The circle is showing a missing ugn, it broke off so I took my milliput and tried to mold a new one, I have about 10 which are drying, I will pick the best one to glue on.


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To be honest it is very difficult to see these sexhay panel lines in the pics.
But the kit is totally wrong I'm afraid.

Anyway good work Mag..
There is a lot of mistakes made to the kit by Academy. But if you are about to finish her there is no reason to mention them at all.
Gun installed, I thought it came out ok for my first milliput sculpt!


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I've broken one of my modelling rules, not starting a new kit till the previous one is finished. I can't finish the 190 till I get the etched seatbelts. This thing was sitting in the box calling out to be built. So.......

Nice Muller, first rule of modeling... there is none! I multi-kit all the time, when waiting for paint to cure and whatnot, makes it more fun in my opinion. But it seems most people are too focused on one kit to ever attempt more than one at the same time.

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