What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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Cheers lads, myself a Mick pissed off on our lunchbreak to the LHS, got a Tamiya M48 Patton to try and improve on this one. I want to have my armour building a bit better before I tackle the WW2 German stuff.
I should have trusted the online armour modelling gods, next step was to put dots of different coloured oil paints on the various panel surfaces and wipe down with a white-spirit soaked brush. It's starting to look a bit better.


Also working on Rudolfs seatbelts! ;)
I'll be sticking to the rubber threads for now. But I have to say I'm really enjoying this armour stuff. Got all the wheels painted, now I have to dirty them up.
Wheels done and fitted. And another dirty wash on.


Question for the experts, how do I paint the tracks? Will the paint not crack on the rubber when its stretched putting them on?
The rubber tracks are always the pain.I suggest to apply the lamina of the basic colour on them firstly.Then fix them on wheels carefully and make weathering finally with bruses and a pencil.If the layer of the main colour is thin enough it shouldn't crack or peel off.

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