What's on The Workbench

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Spent the afternoon painting tracks. There was a bit of flaking when putting them on, but they look ok.


I thought this one was finished, but the build is back on the workbench. Modifying the figures to add and making a base.

There are 3 figures with the kit, a tank commander (?) and two infantry figures in fighting poses. I'm changing the two grunts so they're sitting on the tank. Dr. Wojtek has inspired me! :)

Figure as provided with the kit.


After he was hacked up and glued back together. He's sitting on the turret having a smoke.

Go M. go M,!!!! Did you use pro modelers wash for the tank? I saw a video instruc today and I think i'm buying!
Cheers fellas :) I ran out of rattle can primer so I sprayed him with some Humbrol grey, can't remember what number, but it's still tacky after 10 hours!

Corey, I used some white spirits and various oil colours, I bought a cheap set of about 10 paints. I've heard lots of people saying promodellers stuff is great. I think the prices are a bit steep though.
I will look into both, but I have always loved the effect of oil on a wash, even in figures. But I heard white spirit will knock you dead in the head.. :D

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