What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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Ah my mistake, decided to do more gap work on the wings and main body and my gun snapped off.. guess I will have to roll a new one, but I will save that for last! :(
Tomahawk has been gloss coated, hand painted the camo since I am low on tamiya tape and its 1/72, no need to frustrate myself with cutting itty bitty shapes over a $5 kit.
Tomahawk has dull cote but it is still wet. The sun went to sleep so the drying time doubled, should be done tomorrow.. I am thinking over some weathering ideas and such, almost there.
thanks a lot for the kind wishes, guys. I'm working at a car wash right now and I instantly fell in love with it the very first day. I love the hands-on work, I love washing and drying cars, I love the tips, but I hate riding my bloody bike to work. XD I make $8.50 an hour
Patience padawan! I am going to weather it then post it completed.. I want to keep you hanging off your seat somewhat, I think it came out really well, I nailed the shark mouth!
Got the M41 sprayed olive drab and decaled, more painting going on right now, all those wheels are a bit tedious!

Cheers Wojtek :)

I lost an aerial to the carpet-monster, need to try and scratchbuild a new one. Been reading up on some armour weathering techniques, looking forward to trying them.
Ok, I tried one of those weathering techniques I read about, a sandy colour wash over the whole thing with some Tamiya buff highly thinned in IPA, it took a fair bit of paint off! Should I have used white spirit? I dry-brushed the bad bits with some olive drab, she's looking fairly tired now! :lol:



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