What's on The Workbench (1 Viewer)

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Thanks all, eh treb, where's yours?! I lost my basic .5 white nozzle for my airbrush and am stuck with my .33 for now as the others are jammed from my inexperienced tactics with early airbrushing. I am buying a .70 or 1.2 nozzle for the B17 because damn that will take awhile! Going to do the camo now, might aswell so I can do hw and such the rest of the night..
Just a teaser of the camo.. paint is a bit shiny but should be fine with some dullcote once i'm done.


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I did, much appreciated. I sent you an email back the day I got it. Has some more questions and much praise for your extensive research. :)
OK, glad you received it - had a recent problem with some e-mails not getting through. I haven't seen your reply yet, but I'll have a look now and let you know either way.
looks awesome, dude! I"m hoping mine will look at least halfway decent!
Wing / stabilizer camo is done, next is the main body then I have to do the underside in light blue. Probably it for the rest of the night as I have studies to attend! :|


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just a couple days ago I sprayed the bottom half with flat light aircraft gray. I'm WANTING to airbrush the top half of the aircraft, but I can't muster up the energy to. tis funny, I can muster up the energy to ride my bike to the local airport, but I can't simply airbrush a model. LOL
I should have it soon.. I put a gloss cote on so I could use my tamiya tape and not ruin the paint and rip it up.. I need to buy some frisket..

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