What's on The Workbench

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Nice figures, Keith! Keep the work up!

Muller, I don't know anyone with a camera! Maybe Santa will be good to me this year (but by then it should be completed!) Besides, wouldn't you want to see the whole thing when it's completed? It's going to not only nice, it'll be gorgeous when every things in place. 8)

BTW...due to a lack of parts, I will be making a "dam buster" Lanc and a mythical "gun ship" Lanc. Both are Matchbox kits. The BF-109F's are newer Dragon models.

P.S.-what does "BOAC" and "GB" mean? 109 and Muller posted them and I don't understand what they designate.
BOAC - British Overseas Airways Corp. They operated Mosquitos during the war to fly to Sweden for certain precision materials. They could outfly Luftwaffe fighters. The birds had RAF camo but civilian reg numbers.

GB - Group Build, I'm have a habit of suggesting themes for them! A Mosquito GB would be cool. See if you can get a bird that operated in the Pacific Theatre of Operations and join the current GB
after quite a while, I decided to continue my Stuka. so far I've masked the engine cowling. I'm in the process of masking the rear and mid fuselage. it'll be a pain in the ass, but it'll be worth it

I'll be happy to join! 8) But I have a question-does a "Flying Tiger" P-40 count as a Pacific Theater Warbird? And what scale does it have to be?

Thanks for the info and the invotation, Muller!

Nice avatar, Trebor!
I don't think a 'Flying Tiger' from the AVG would count, as it's not really part of the Pacific War era, but the other judges might advise otherwise.
The scales, entrants categories etc are shown in the Group Build Rules, and the specific requirements for the PTO Group Build are shown in the PTO GB Guide Lines, both posted in the Group Builds threads. Hope this helps.
Ooops! Sorry, my fault, I meant to put AREA, not era! Tha AVG were in China, but if the concensus between the members and judges accepts that as part of the PTO, then that's fine by me.
Cool ccheese, I'll be interested in watching this one come together. They're the wooden kits I was looking at in the LHS, Guillow's, couldn't remember the name.
Uh...pics are a bit of a problem without a camera...I'll probably not be able to afford one until my girlfriend and I settle down after the move (she's moving in with me!) so don't get your hopes up. Everything has been pushed to the back burner to simmer while I adjust to living with a soon-to-be fiance (no, I haven't poped the question-yet!...). Amidst all this, I have to keep my grades up and still sleep, eat, and go to church every sunday. It might take a few years until I even finish the Fw, not to mention the entire diorama. Sorry guys, you'll just have to wait.

But isn't everything better with time? Don't worry, because at the first chance, I'm going to buy a decent digi camera and snap a lot of pics for y'all-more than you can possibly imagine!

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot-my girlfriend builds scale armor dioramas in her (very little) spare time. Already it's a perfect match, no?8)

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