Worst WWII Movie

Worst WWII Movie

  • The Eagle Has Landed

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Where Eagles Dare

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Desert Fox

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Raid On Rommel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tobruk

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Memphis Belle

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Corregidor

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Dirty Dozen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aerial Gunner

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Commandos

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Flying Tigers

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • El Alamein

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
They're out there. A Sherman tank with a black cross on it. A P-36 with red meatballs on the wings. Plastic Toys-R-Us army helmuts. Hip shots. Bad accents. And footage from "Tora, Tora, Tora" spliced every few seconds! Which is the worst WWII movie ever made?
Has anyone ever seen the Dirty Dozen 2? They fly a C47 onto a German airfield and no one bats an eyelid! I've voted for the abominaiton that was Pearl Harbor: a film about the Japanese interrupting a love triangle
Windtalkers could also be listed although what they tried to portay was admirable Nicolas Cage killing thousands was a little much as for Anzio was just plain bogus , some of the others have to be judged by the period they were made the movies from the 40's early 50's were the product of that era's propaganda
Has anyone ever seen the Dirty Dozen 2? They fly a C47 onto a German airfield and no one bats an eyelid! I've voted for the abominaiton that was Pearl Harbor: a film about the Japanese interrupting a love triangle
in Pearl Harbour what made me laugh was the Queen Mary or Queen Elizabeth liner that was not camoflauged
My thoughts exactly Neil, thats why they were included. Although some of those from the 40s and 50s were downright horrendous! Watch "Corregidor" and you'll see what I mean.
Windtalkers is a particular favorite of mine for worst war movie! They throw grenades, and they explode into a huge fireball and explosion! Cannot watch that movie with a straight face.
I voted for U-571. The movie just disturbs me for some reason. After that Pearl Harbor gets my vote as well. Movie was just terrible. It was not about Pearl Harbor, it was just a fricken love story! It was fricken Titanic 1941...
Again there are certainly stand out shockers from this list. Definitely up there is both "U-571" and "Pearl Harbor" both truely terrible movies although I can actually just about watch both (Pearl Harbor was on TV the other night and I did watch it for some reason). Certainly it could be any one from the list but still for me despite the cracking cocks ups that are present on this list it has to be "Pearl Harbor". Love triangles broken up by the Japanese and the slight impression the Americans won the Battle of Britain, could it be any worse ;)
Yeah, for historical accuracy, Pearl harbor takes the cake for "creative license". A whole lot of tripe, and one I do not own, nor will I. I have The Eagle has Landed and Where Eagles Dare in my collection. A bit campy, no doubt, yet still entertaining.
Do we have to pick just ONE!?:lol:

My thoughts exactly, I rank Pearl Harbor and U-571 as pretty close on the horrendous movie scale, Ben Aflecks poor acting, casting Alec "I'll move to Canada" Baldwin as Gen. Doolittle put it over the top in my opinion. I almost walked out of the POS Movie as soon as I saw that. The thought of substituting made up charactors for any of the real heroes that flew the Tokyo Raiders mission really repulsed me as well.
The outflying the Zero in the village square made me laugh aloud as well. Bad, Bad, movie, with bad bad historical accuracy, and bad, bad acting.

Rant over.

P.S. Did I say I didn't care for the Pearl Horbor movie? I hope I did.
I guess you really don't like PH Buck! I totally agree, I know it is a bad movie when my girlfriend thought it was about a love story!
Do we have to pick just ONE!?:lol:

I guess you really don't like PH Buck! I totally agree, I know it is a bad movie when my girlfriend thought it was about a love story!

I don't see how you got that impresstion:D As I said I nearly walked out, but I swallowed hard and made it through the rest of it. Should have written a letter to the Writers/Producers and demanded my money back.
The never ending frigging movie...I loved how being as fighter pilots were in very high demand at the end of the day they are in thier dirty hawaiian shirts trying to recuse guys trapped in sinking ships instead of flying fighter cover or out watching for signs of another attack...after I figured out that they were going to go with Doolittle (Baldwin as Doolittle is reason enough to burn the movie) I started day dreaming in the theater...seeing them run up and help raise the flag at Iwo Jima in thier dirty tattered hawaiian shirts and then riding Fat man down at the end of the movie Ala Slim Pickins (It couldn't have been any worse of a ending)

Other movies on the list- Raid on Rommel gets a pass from me because it was one of the movies as a kid that got me into WWII stuff

Spitfire was a good movie for the time and conditions it was made- same with Flying Tigers, they both get a pass in my book.

As far as a Sherman tank with a cross on it- it never amazes me that people who get upset about that never get upset about the M-60s in Patton- Hell at least the Sherman was a wartime tank.

Speaking of Patton, in my book that's the most overrated war movie ever made- it's just...okay.

I'm also surprised to see the Eagle has Landed on this list- another favorite it's got great stuff- Stug going by on a rail car- Larry Hagman getting shot in the head and the great "Yes" line over and over..."Soldier are you mocking me?"

I'm really surprised that MIDWAY is on the list for best movies instead of this list being as 80 percent of it is historical footage or footage from about every Navy movie made after the war (I love Midway for the same reason I love Raid on Rommel but it's not anywhere near the best movie list)
Okay my three cents...No doubt everyone else will feel different.
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Objective, Burma!
with Eroll Flynn
About the only war film I know that caused a diplomatic incident
I thought the fighting Seabees was a bit rough with Japanese tanks being attack by a guy on a bulldozer
I know it won oscars but I never liked Bridge on the River Kwai William Holden in the film to get the finacial backing from the US and Alec Guiness with that bloody rediculous British officer stiff upper lip attitude
I know it won oscars but I never liked Bridge on the River Kwai William Holden in the film to get the finacial backing from the US and Alec Guiness with that bloody rediculous British officer stiff upper lip attitude

You know I just saw this again a few months ago and I gotta agree- I was surprised that it wasn't that good, not like I remembered it as a kid.

Cota, I tossed a couple on there just to see what people would say. I agree "The Eagle Has Landed" isn't exactly the worst but it is a little hokey. "Midway" I didn't put because, well, outside of that stupid love story (same writer for Pearl Harbor?) I thought they tried to accurately portray as best they could. But "Raid on Rommel"!!!! You want to see a hack job! Watch "Raid on Rommel" and then "Tobruk" with Rock Hudson. Talk about film splicing!!

and I always remebered "Battle of the Bulge" fondly as a kid - then I grew up. :)

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