ww2aircraft.net siggy...?

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
It has been there since I become a member and possibly since this forum started... Is it time to change it, to something that shows more than just Luftwaffe machines?:oops: :D :lol:
If you have 5 or 6 and everytime you refresh it's different... Everyone's happy!

We've got that on a car forum I run, and it's a cool feature. Different car up there evertime!
I think it's ok to ask about it, but it's up to Horse and the moderators to decide if it should be changed. I know there are a fair number of us that can throw our idea's into a new banner, but's that's not my decision to make.

In my humble opinion, I think the one we have is fine. However, I do have idea's if the decision is made to change it.
If we are going to do it. I think it would be a idea for a start to keep the current one. In addition we create some more showing of various different types of aircraft with different themes (in tune with each aircraft) and set these on a rotation so that a different one is shown on each page refresh (as someone has already mentioned).

Another thing which might be idea if someone has time (a fair amount of it) would be to create some backgrounds...
I'd like to see some RAAF and RNZAF stuff

couple P-40's be nice

look abit better to if it was about a cm higher and everything wasn't see through
As my memory serves about two years ago there was the similar thread where the current one was accepted.There were other projests as well.The main problem with the forum siggy is the banner dimensions.But we can try to make a new one with all representants.
Sorry guys, just checked in on this thread, again..Thank you! :D I love it!

Marcel did an amazing job!

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