Yeewwww!!! So excited!

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Senior Airman
A while back, I picked up a 1/72 Airfix SM-79. I was really pumped about it, because I've always loved the three-engined ugly beauty.

When I opened it, I was first disappointed with the lack of detail in the interior. But not to be deterred, I pushed on and had a go at scratchbuilding a few bits. Turned out OK.

Then I started to get into it, and found out the wings weren't moulded properly. They were missing a whole bit at the end. So I took it back to my model shop, and they replaced it. Same deal. So we opened the other one that was there, and they were all the same.

So I swapped it for another kit and scrapped that build.

I did some asking around, and the Airfix was the only SM79 anyone knew of.

Today I happened to be at my local toy shop, I needed some clear gloss and the model shop was too far away. And you wouldn't believe it.... There was an Italeri 1/79 SM-79!!!!

I say was, because I think I dove across the front of the shelves, in front of the fat kid looking at starwars snap-together kits faster than a hilbilly reaches for his cousins exposed boob! And it is now mine.

I opened the box, and I think I nearly wet myself. There's so much detail and everything looks more than perfect!

I can't wait! (But I have 3 underway and only have a small desk )
I still can't wait to start it.. I'm wrapping up all the other ones that are half done so i can start clean.

I got it for $30 (au) too, (which is probably about 78c US at the moment), and for an italeri, I'm pretty impressed.
Nice score Crunch. I too laughed my As* off reading your story. Especially "in front of the fat kid looking at starwars snap-together kits".

Did he say "grow up man" when you snatched the kit nearly crying in tears of joy?
Couldn't get the video footage, something about sending it off to the producers of "worlds wildest retail moments number 873". I dunno

So I constructed a factual diagrammatic recollection.

That is all.
That is some funny stuff there Crunch. As far as the avatat, when I went to put one on THIS forum sent me to a host of pics which had that. I thought it was neat.

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