Yokosuka K5Y CGI Project

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The seat with the supporter.
I have referred to some illustrations at the time to make like the second and third images.

The last image is present appearance of my work.
I am going to add more small parts as well as correcting my misunderstandings.
As far as checking photos of the K5Y left in Indonesia which looks a later version, these wood parts were not painted varnish but I believe initial type could have been painted like other biplanes in the world though this is merely my imagination


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I really appreciate, Aaron and Gnomey as well as all other members who kindly take time to drop in this thread

Structure of the K5Y has been mystery for a long time as fewer pays attention to the trainers than to the practical planes.
I might be the first and last guy to challenge K5Y's
Thank you very much.

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Thanks again, Aaron, NFN and Wayne!

This is a small matter but the tail jack design comes from a Zero fighter manual.


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