Yokosuka K5Y CGI Project

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Thank you very much for kind checking, Geo, Gnomey, Aaron, Wildcat and Wayne!

Here come the fuel tanks.
The K5Y has three tanks - front of 177 litters, rear of 148 litters and auxiliary one of 5 litters.
Two main tanks are located under the cockpit seats being separated by the floor fire walls respectively.
I must add some cloth belts to them to hold.
The small auxiliary tank will be appeared on the right of cockpit next time.


Thanks you, Gnomey, Aaron and David for your encouraging comments!
Here are three fuel tanks almost completed with belts and firewalls.

Thanks for your kindest comments, Aaron, Gnomey and Wayne!

Very nice work Shinpachi, the belts look great. Was there anything that held the tanks from the top side or did they rely on gravity to hold them in place?

As you point out, Aaron, there were brackets to hold the tanks from the top side.
I'll be able to show you them in a few days.
Thanks for your good question!

Thanks Aaron for your attention to technical matters which sure push me forward.

Description about the tank belts is simple and its illustration is so rough that I have taken time to understand correctly.
I obey my experience as an engineer and common knowledge though I am still on the way to complete the belts.

Thank you very much GG for your kind checking my work with patience!

This has been a long way but I have realized the K5Y replica in my country has no fuel tanks at least as it has no fuel door.


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