I already posed a question about Britishh AAA capabilities in 1940. Here it is again,how many Luftwaffe bombers (including dive bombers) did British AAA shoot down in 1940?
If I was Hermann Goering I would run my air war against "England" very differently and with a much greater chance of success.
In response to the first issue, deighton says that conservatively during the whole of 1940, British AA shot down 400 german a/c. Dont how many of that number were bombers.
However, the primary role of flak is not shooting down enemies, its to disrupt enemy bombing accuracy. Even poor AA can do that .
in relation to your second claim, you might run it differently and succeed in alerting the british of your plans. you have most definately not shown that the destruction of the chain home system was possible, have not shown that british c7c was utterly dependant on that system, and have failed to consider the quid pro quos of your actions.
Case is not proven or shown likley at all in my opinion