You Local Gas/petrol Station Price Per Gallon/Litre...

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i thought I'd revive this thread our prices have dropped from in USD
4.37 for a US gal or 1.04 /l
3.27 /gal or .86/l
I'm going to assume the price of fuel in the US is going the other way due to the dramatic fall of the green back
going up on the west coast, my bro is paying nearly 4.00 US and I am hitting 3.20 plus depending where I purchase this cheap made bunk...........heck I am riding my two wheeler more than ever ..... ~ screw politicians ~
sounds like at home here man ............ damn it would be almost worth it if the attendents were women with a nice set of .......... !!
In Virginia Beach, Va. today it was 2.86 for Reg, $2.96 for the middle grade
and $3.06 for hi-test. Donno what diesel was but probably around $3.06.
It was $2.50 two months ago....

Diesel went over £1.00/Ltr about 2 weeks ago in the UK (its considerably more now) and its on the national news that unleaded gas has topped £1.008/Ltr today.

And still that ba$tard Brown puts the tax up on it. We actually pay tax (VAT) on the specific Fuel Tax too! How unreal is that?

Funnily enough, he's all ajitter 'cos inflation is starting to rise! Duh, I wonder why?
I paid $3.12 for regular today here in Mid-Michigan. It was around $3.30 last week. Add $.10 for intermediate grade and $.20 for premium (that's a constant here).
I feel so sorry for you Americans paying around three $3.00 a gallon...try $2.00 a litre, then complain.

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