Your best picture (2014) of the year

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That's a cool choice, Terry. I looked at my year over year shot counts and 2014 was my biggest year yet with photography. My total count was 63,792. About 16,000 of them were in my week at Oshkosh, which is 25% more than I shot last year at Oshkosh. It's been a heck of a first 9 years in the photography business. November of this year (2015) will mark my 10th year! I owe a lot to the members of the forum here who encouraged me to stay at it and chase that dream.

Got some great shots with cool stories guys, keep 'em coming !.

Its a bit of a no-brainer for me this one as for the second year I managed to grab another 25 mins in the right seat of 'Witchcraft', courtesy of Jim and the crew. I look at this piccie...and the countless others I have...and I have to pinch myself to realise that I wasn't dreaming !, I did actually manage to trundle along at the designated height and heading without any problems in the ONLY airworthy B-24J flying in the World...and yes, that grin is a permanent fixture !.

The appreciation and respect I have for the crews from all sides in the Last Big One going about their work in their respective 'Planes, is unshakeable !

There's some really great photos here!

I've thought quite a bit about all the photos I've taken in 2014, and there were quite a few!

I could post a shot of the Lunar Eclipse, or sunsets, sunrises, aircraft and such, but none would be more memorable to me than a photo of the three tiny kittens I rescued last July.

It's a simple photo, taken with my Kodak point-n-shoot.


Good things happen to good people.

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