Your smartphone apps?

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tomo pauk

Creator of Interesting Threads
Apr 3, 2008
What do you people use, for fun and otherwise? What app is worth purchasing? What ones people should not bother with?
The "Answer" app. It will answer the question: "Why are smart phones used for so many unbelievably stupid things"
Tomo, apology for being such a SA but it seems to me that as people get dumber and less capable we make machines "smarter" to take up the slack: Cars that park themselves and stop themselves before you hit the car ahead and look to the sides so you don't pull into someone...unreal
Spotify for music + radio, excellent for finding new music
MapMyRun is great for logging fitness workouts - gives you an average pace, distance, calories etc etc
Surgeon 3 is great fun if you want to kill 10 minutes waiting.
My flip phone is soooo d*mn smart it can make telephone calls!!! Well I have to push the correct keys but after that.....
I have a few apps for my ipad and iphone...none are paid, though.

I use the solar calculator to judge sunset/sunrise and moon position for landscape photography also have the Blue Lemur app that's a diagnostic tool for my (now defunct) Scion to monitor the ECM/BCM management.
My fave apps:
Flashlight - for finding keyholes and stuff in car and motorcycle in the evening.
Calendar - I would be in deep sh** if I couldn't punch in my appointments and arrangements, and set an alarm for the time and date.
Aviary - photo program that will make you able to work on your phone photos.
Inkpad - I used that app to write my daily Facebook updates from Greenland. That way I could write the post, copy, then go online (- expensive!), paste and post, then go offline again. It saved me a fortune.
Mobil Bank and Mobile Pay - practical and easy to use.
Instagram - because I like to share my cell phone photos sometimes.
Panorama - for making panorama shots with the phone camera.
Opera browser.
And of course Facebook. :)
OK, just chill out all you tech haters. That betamax ain't gonna program itself!

Seriously, any free Night Sky app. This thing works like magic. Hold it up to the night sky and it picks out the stars, satellites and planets. Become a half-a**ed astronomer.
Well I totally admit to being an old fahrt. But tech certainly has its place. Word processors were a godsend for those of us who used typewriters. I appreciate cell phones when my car dies in 6 feet of snow with the nearest farmhouse a 2 mile walk, but other than that, they're just plain creepy. People I don't know selling chit I don't want or need can find me in the middle of the lake 10 miles from Bumfook Arkansas...creepy. And watching movies/dumb games (Angry Birds!!) on a 2in x 2in screen... WHEE fun, fun, fun. Facebook/Twitter wow good stuff: "I'm on the can...Everything coming out fine." To 99% of the posts - I dont give a rodent's gluteal muscles
And bye the bye what happen to your electronic world when the battery dies?
I've had to deal with the younger crowd at work, always stopping what they're doing to text. I get on them about that and they tell me it's important.

To that I ask:"a family member die, your house is on fire, the police are coming with a warrant?" To these they answer no, of course. "Well, then it's NOT important, get back to work..."

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