Zaggs Fw 190D-9 211164 - Black <4 and his continuing scratchbuilding adventures...

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Having removed all the masking over the engine, I have also notice another problem inherent with the Academy Kit - the exhaust stacks... Not wanting to cut 'the good side' up, I left the kit exhaust stacks in place; now that I look at it from below, the 'engine' stacks don't line up with the kit stacks! Its almost like the front pipe on the right hand side is missing and having now checked a few reviews, it seems the Academy exhausts are a bit iffy. Either way, unless I can come up with some sort of easy fix, they'll be staying that way. I am considering just dremel'ing off the front most pipe and fairing (whcih are the MAJOR offenders - the rest are MUCH closer) and then scabbing something on, but Im not sure the effort is worth it at this stage of things...

That'll teach me! I knew I should have put that LITTLE bit of extra effort in and used the second resin exhaust stack!

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