Zaggs Fw 190D-9 211164 - Black <4 and his continuing scratchbuilding adventures...

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Yesterday I printed, sealed and applied some 'timber veneer' decals to the inner surfaces of the C-1's flaps - they look quite good! The flaps now just need a minor touch up with RLM76 on a few edges and will then, along with the Pitot which was also finished yesterday, will be glued on tonight... There endeth the C-1! Pictures to follow later on, which will include the timber veneer flap graphics that I printed the decals from, just in case anyone else wants to go that option... Maybe I should write a little blog or something about my Photo-etching and Decal making exploits?

BTW, does anyone have any accurate measurements/drawings/etc, of FuG 218 dipoles and mounts???

OK, as promised, Pictures!

Firstly, Flap Decals - this was my first attempt at using my Laser Printer to 'roll my own' decals. In this case, I thought I'd go with white decal film (the clear stuff is a whole other experiement, but my gut feeling was this sort of colour would be best served by a white backing). So, this what I ended up with...


Bottom to top i) test print on plain paper, ii) printed/sealed decals and iii) decals on flaps. There are slight tonal differences between the test shots on plain paper and the final prints on white film; nothing major that requires correction, but something to be kept in mind for later projects. Looks well and dandy, in my opinion... See!



And the bigger picture...

Oh and as for exams, first one was a breeze (Complex Numbers and Vectors), next one was a bit rougher, but shouldnt be a bad result... However I now have TWO Mid-semesters next week now also, including Crypto-math - cant say Im looking fwd to that...
Cheers mate - if anyone is doing a Fw 190D (did the late A-9's also use the timber flaps?) or short wing Ta 152 with timber flaps and wants me to post the master graphics somewhere, just let me know! :) Sharing is caring! That is, I am happy to say, the first completed kit in probably 16 years :) Will be soon followed by the D-9 and probably an Orange Ta 152H-0 :)
By the way, should I start a new thread for the 'Orange Ta 152H project', or keep the threads for the interesting stuff in the future; like the "Ta 152E-1 with Jumo 213E engine" project or the "Fw 190A-8/R11 plus Verlinden and etc kits" project or the "Ta 152C-0 with DB603E" or the "All 5 JV44 Fw 190D's at once!!!!" project! hahahaha That last one will be fun!!! :)
does that mean NO MORE threads then??? ;) I'm boring ppl??? (actually studying for a maths exam is pretty boring!)
Well, the maths test might have gone horribly wrong; so I have done a little retail therapy and come away with an Me 262B-1a/U1 Nightfighter - will probably add the verlinden upgrade kit to correct the intakes as well as the added benefits of engines, gun bays, etc... Why do I keep being drawn towards super-detail projects??? But now that the maths is done with, its back into the D-9 and the Ta 152H-0...

D-9 - I think I have finally found some suitable decals for the last little bit of stencilling (unique to this a/c) - once thats on, Matte coat and do final construction. I'm still not happy with the AeroMaster decals, but as someone said (I think it was Wayne and to paraphrase it), sometimes you just need to bite the bullet. Looking forward to getting it finished tho :)

H-0 - which I am considering its own thread for, because I have been drawn into detailing it also, in the form of a HEAVILY modifed Parts'R'Parts D-11 engine plus, MK108 and a slowly growing mass of plumbing! The cockpit has gone the same way, with the subtler addition of cables and piping. I've also been thinking hard about the Orange Scheme; I'm not shying away from it, but I am not 100% sure which way to jump yet. To outline:
option 1 - Perfection : Painted as if it just rolled out of god's own manufacturing hall, without scrape or blemish... I dont really do this sort of thing; its just not 'me'...
option 2 - Idealistic : A 'nice' paint job, with some pre-/post-shading, a bit more textural, but prior to the flight to Rechlin... Maybe even subtle differences in the Orange that was applied over the different camo colours and the exhaust staining... This is where I am leaning ATM...
option 3 - Realistic : Heavy evidence of the underlying camo colours, thin and uneven coverage, finish marred by oil and exhaust contamination. For me this is most likely! At the time this flight happened, no one really had time to perfectly prepare sufaces, nor apply a flawless paint scheme -IN THE FIELD- no less... BUT this just wont look as 'pretty'...

Decisions, Decisions!

In between option 1 and 2, me thinks....:D

The 'Boss' would have ordered and received a pretty reasonable paint job on the chosen colour, which you know of from the LEMB board.

Now, less talk, more action....more threads..:lol:
Thats a valid point about the 'Boss' actually - the German forces did maintain pretty good discipline. That's probably settled it; I'll be aiming for a 'nice' option 2... The D-9 now has the last decals it needs applied; another little touch up with MicroSet (these decals will NOT lay down evenly - never using AeroMaster/ErrorMaster again; will be all EagleCals and SuperScale from now on) and some minor panel line touch ups over the decals. Might even get lacquered tonight if my headache backs off...

Then I will gather my Ta 152H-0 St./JG 301 "Orange" pictures and crack open a new thread!

MAJOR CALAMITY!!!! I've dropped it, on the way to spraying the clear coat!!! No major damage except I CAN NOT FIND THE LEFT Horizontal Stabiliser!!! Rudder and Stab broke off (it wasnt a very heavy hit), and the rudder ended up 2 inches from the model... But the stab? It has flown away somewhere!

This is not good!
Well another 20minutes, to add to the first 20minutes... Nothing! Its just vanished - ironically in the exact same place as the Ta 152C-1 rear wheel half strut was lost... Very uncool... The only positive is that I still have the kit horizontal stabilisers (with elevators removed)... Maybe I can dremel the correct elevator slots into them and use the kit parts to replace the resin? Unless someone has a pair of 1/72nd scale Fw 190 Stabilisers/Elevators from a kit or the Aires Control Surface kit that are surplus???

Dan :(

Took me over 2hrs, in three different attempts (last night when I busted it, this morning and just now for 30 more minutes), but I found the missing stab! It SOMEHOW managed to find its way INTO a bottle about 4-5ft away, that was sitting on the floor with stuff hanging about 6inches over it. I have NO IDEA how a little resin Stab could have flown so far and landed in such an insidious location!!!

That is SOOOO relieving!


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