Zaggs Fw 190D-9 211164 - Black <4 and his continuing scratchbuilding adventures...

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Update - the D-9 is back in one piece, and little bits of chipped paint, etc, have been touched up. Will attach flying surfaces and clear coat it soon... :)
Control surfaces set, Fin tip Mast sort of fixed (more damage from the crash landing) and things masked for the Matte Coat... When I get to the shed next, I will spray it up! ATM, working on a scribing template for the Ta 152H; I figure since I am making a H-0, I may as well try and rescribe the odd wing panel that differentiate a H-0 from a H-1.
Pretty easy to make, Wayne - maybe I should Photoetch a set tho? This is what mine looks like however:


With the in progress wing also... I just copied the shape from the Tamiya D-9 wing, cut it out in 0.5mm plastic, gaffa-taped it into position and ran round it with a scriber!
I had forgotten JUST HOW GOOD parts of this little model looked beneath the layers of tissue, Bone Masking, Purple Masking, Blue Masking and Green Macking tape; then the overspray onto the masking in RLM75, RLM76, RLM81, RLM82, RLM83 and of course Aluminium! Yes, there is a little bit of tonal differences with some of the decals, but only if you get the light at the wront angle. Next is fixing one elevator (thatI glued on skew somehow), installing the MG131's, the last of the engine plumbing, flaps and main undercarriage!

Pics to follow. :)

Pretty easy to make, Wayne - maybe I should Photoetch a set tho? This is what mine looks like however:

View attachment 198701

With the in progress wing also... I just copied the shape from the Tamiya D-9 wing, cut it out in 0.5mm plastic, gaffa-taped it into position and ran round it with a scriber!

Yeah, plastic templates...been there done that...and probably be doing it again...:D (H-0 Green 6 0004)

I think Eduard have done a set of "hatch" templates....
Yeah I check out the Eduard Fw 190 hatch set (which I admit, I am thinking about as it has some nice shapes in there) and the Hasegawa sets and some other brand, but none had a template for this particular door. Thus, a good time to roll my own!
OK, this is how things stand ATM - starting to put everything back into place:




At this point, i still need to reattach the left elevator, glue the guns in, finish the detailing (wires and boxes), add the last of the engine plumbing, finish the undercarriage, add the doors and braces, detail the flap bay, add flaps, paint and 'gloss' the flap indicators, add antenae, gun barrels and manufacture a metal pitot! LOTS to do, but how cool is it looking??? :)

Of course little bits still need some dry brushing too... What I have decided to be questionable now is the undersurface camo; I think it should have been RLM82 and I think the 'full width' under side coverage needs to have been moved outboard, so stuff thrown up by the landing gear on takeoff/touchdown would have hit a PAINTED area... Otherwise, Im pretty happy with how the camo looks...

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