Zaggs Fw 190D-9 211164 - Black <4 and his continuing scratchbuilding adventures...

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Off-topic, but how does the Aoshima kit stack up against the DML/Dragon 1/72 Ta 152H? All I've really heard is that the canopy need replacing, but not much else...
And again off topic, just scored the Hasegawa Ta 152H-1 boxing... Just need the Trimaster boxing to complete the collection! ;)
Off-topic, but how does the Aoshima kit stack up against the DML/Dragon 1/72 Ta 152H? All I've really heard is that the canopy need replacing, but not much else...

Have built both, the Aoshima kit is a more simple straight forward build than the Dragon with minimal internal details but nicely done externally , and both the H-0 and H-1 versions have been done in the 4 or 5 versions released.
The Dragon I did quite some time ago and the details are a little hazy but it was pretty much a scaled down version of the 1/48 kit but not quite as crisp on the details as the bigger brother in 1/48.

And again off topic, just scored the Hasegawa Ta 152H-1 boxing... Just need the Trimaster boxing to complete the collection! ;)

Hasegawa did one? I should remember that!
Hasegawa did one? I should remember that!

Yep... Same box art as the DML kit... I'm pretty sure it follwed the DML boxing, but either way, its the Trimaster moulds, full engine, PE, etc... I don't THINK it has the white metal...
What markings did they put in it, Dan?

Don't know honestly - only bought it online about 3hrs ago when i saw it for a reasonable price... Like the DML kit, its labelled as a H-1, with the same painting of St./JG 301 "Green 3" on the box as the DML and Dragon releases... I'm expecting a decals sheet like the DML release (with the full set of Yellow/Black, Red/Black and Green/Black tactical numbers tho...), but cant be sure til it arrives :)

Would be nice if Hasegawa puts something different in there - course, then I'll have to bug Erich with more questions about Ta 152H markings and that's a bit like getting blood out of a stone! ;) Actually, question: a 'Red' coded aircraft is mentioned as being in the background of a photo in one of the Japo or EE Dora volumes... Do you know WHERE that reference is? I went looking for it last night and couldn't find it - or am I just going insane and imagining it?
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Well, I can now say I have (successfully) used both pastels and Alclad... I stuck with black pastel tinted with a little crey, failing to remember the effect the Gloss Klear Kote would have on it - on Matte Paint, it looked fine; now under lacquer it needs some browns and more grey... But that can be added between Matte Klear Kote's. ATM, things are drying - might need to hit the upper surfaces of the wings with a third coat of Gloss, just to settle things right down, but else I'm rather happy - lesson's learnt will be transfered to the little D-9 shortly...

Oh and I'm much happier with my 'home brew' RLM83 under lacquer... Still needs a shade more 'tonal differentiation' from the RLM75 - next time :)

Pictures will come... Scouring through the variety of Dora and Tank decal sheets I have to find some Large Hakenkreuz and Black 800 or 900mm Fuselage Balkenkruez (based on the photo's of the burnt out production a/c) - I just need to work out what are surplus and what aren't... Then we'll do some happy-snaps! :)

Actually, question: a 'Red' coded aircraft is mentioned as being in the background of a photo in one of the Japo or EE Dora volumes... Do you know WHERE that reference is? I went looking for it last night and couldn't find it - or am I just going insane and imagining it?

No you are not going loopy...I know the pic you refer to.....Now where is it....looking, looking....

Now that didn't take long...Page 21 Vol.1 JaPo reference to Ta152 Red 6 in the background...:D
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I was sure it was in EE - cheers Wayne :) As for Ta 152C-1 decals, I'm thinking 900mm Balkenkruez above and below the wing, 500mm Hakenkreuz and maybe 800mm Black Fuselage Balkenkreuz - this is what a THINK I see on the blown up Erfurt and Leipzig airframes and is inline with Late D-9 production and Ta 152H production a/c... And tomorrow, we shall hit the little D-9 with Pastels and Gloss Klear Kote

And on that subject, I bought another 12 pastels today, being so happy with the result on the Ta 152C - the little Eduard 1/144 Me 262B's I have might just end up in one of those super densely sprayed/mottled night-fighter schemes, if I can mix a nice RLM76/Green-Blue (aka RLM84*) colour that likes to be applied over RLM75. At $1 a stick, that is of equivalent weight to the $6-$7 Vallejo pigments, I thought why not! Bought a bunch of various Greens and Browns, with a few Light Blue and Greys as well...

Decal-ing time!
Decals are done; will Matte Klear Kote tomorrow and post some pics... Then get back to the D-9 :)
Work has recommenced on the D-9! :) Pastel Engine Exhaust Stains have been applied, thus Gloss Klear Kote will be applied shortly; probably in the same sitting as I Matte Klear Kote the C-1... Decals are done, but due to having to sit a Maths exam on Friday (Complex Number Theory and etc - that was a barrel of laughs), a wedding, some parties and etc, I've yet to apply the final Klear Kote. I ended up using a series of dark greys (with the slightest hint of brown) this time - the black was a bit 'too dark' once the Gloss Klear Kote was applied to the C-1

I ended up using a mix of decals from the C-0 Kit (Stencils, Wing Balkenkreuz, "Green 1", Trim Tabs), Dragon D-9 kit (Fuselage Balkenkreuz) and Superscale D-9 sheets (Standard D-9 Hakenkreuz) - all I am left to decide upon is whether or not to include a Werk Nummer (say a low 830xxx number such as 830001).

I know, I know!!! But progress has been slow - damn complex number theory! I had planned to Gloss the D-9 and Matte the C-1 this evening, but time has gotten away from me again; on the positive side, both are now perched on coat-hangars (through the prop-shaft), with all their doors and etc attached to low-tack tape. Everything has been rubbed down with alcohol and is basically ready to go, when I have an hour free with the air brush (which will likely be tomorrow now).

Interestingly, the D-9 at 1/72 is heavier than the C-1 at 1/48 - probably has something to do with the quantity of resin, metal, solder and extra plastic!

But yeah, the C-1 will be matte by this time tomorrow and thus having the last bits painted and added. The D-9 will be gloss and left for a day to harden before decal'ing begins - that will be exciting actually! And hopefully, within a fortnight, I'll done and onto a new set of projects - I was thinking about getting stuck into the Ta 152E-1 conversion (with Jumo 213E exposed), but maybe I'll keep things simpler for a bit with Ta 152H-0 'Orange', or if I can get more info on it, H-0 'Red 6'... Anyway, bed time now! :)

Spraying done - drying now... Two coats of Matte on the C-1, but I can still see differences in reflection from the decal film if you get the light at the right angle; not sure if I should go a third coat. The D-9 is now glossed and its 'subtler' exhaust stains seem to agree with me for the time being also! Decalling that is going to be SOOOO much fun...
What markings did they put in it, Dan?

Update for Wayne Re: Hasegawa Ta152H-1 'JG301' kit (Catalogue Jx2, released in 1994) : Well mate, it showed up today, still in its shrink wrap - which lasted all of about 10 seconds!

1. Sprues : On first inspection, they're identical to the 1991 DML/Dragon sprues and etchings; the plastic looks more like the later Dragon plastic, than the early, paler DML plastic. Like the rest of my Ta 152's, the wings do not look to be warped (a lot of ppl seem to report warping on the later, Dragon wings... But in my case, neither the DML, Dragon, Italeri and now Hasegawa releases show any noticable wing warping).

2. Decals : Here's the surprise! Two a/c are provided for; despite being labelled a H-1, the first option is in fact a H-0 in the markings that you see in Wayne's profile pic! Stab./JG 301 "Green 3", no stab bar across the Rumpfband. The second option is bizarre; H-1 150168 St./JG 301 "Red 9" - I can only assume that for some reason, someone at Hasegawa has interpretted Willi Reschke's 'Green 9' as 'Red'. And Hakenkreuzen are provided (unlike DML/Dragon)...

However, I don't see this as a BAD thing as one of the a/c I really want to model is III./JG 301 'Red 6', which seemingly had a Black/White Fuselage Balkenkreuz (currently trying to extract more info on this a/c - if any is known - out of a contact at Japo, Erich and anyone else who might know!)...

The decal sheet also struck me for its 'un'-Hasegawa like layout - remembering all those 1/48 F-14's I built in the early/mid 1990's, the decal sheets were crammed with stencilling and markings - in this case, about 25% of the sheet is 'empty' - it almost looks like they were planning a Third Marking option (like a Yellow a/c) and sort of just stopped, before finishing the sheet... Go figure!

3. Etc : everything else is pretty much as the DML kit - instructions have been revised only enough to fit more into that mid 1990's Hasegawa style (ie, a bit of extra shading here and there, the Hasegawa painting guide, etc), box art is the same as the DML/Dragon kits, etc. All I need to complete my 'collection' of the 'Trimaster Ta 152H-1' moulds is an original Trimaster Ta 152H-1 and C-0 kit, hahaha...


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