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I saw this on a flight sim website, the guy is a mechanical engineer in Oz and built high quality replica Spitfire/Hurricane cockpit controls. Take a look at his website. Great work so far, can't wait to see it come together.

Aerosim Solutions Home
Thanks and sorry for the delay in posting. Too near to Christmas to do anymore on it. Ive also been building a spitfire cockpit for manston for a flight sim as well as a sea harrier for a guy

this came up cheap so I snapped it up. Only problem is it turns out its a night fighters gun sight, so don't think itll be any good. Will ave to revert back to my other one, unless I decide to do a night fighter version...
Great catch, especially if it was cheap ! I've been half-heartedly looking for one, but not at the prices being asked !
Not a lot of difference in night and day sights, apart from bulb type, brightness and I think ranging calibration, so it would pass for display purposes.
Yes this has a single ring stating open and close rather than an extra ring for range. This one will be sold to fund more parts I think. I have also bought a resin sight which I will make copies from to use in my hurricane

My nearly completed instrument panel

The fuselage framework is built as close to the original as poss minus the fact the original was bolted aluminium tubing and mine is welding box section for ease


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