1/16th scale Tiger 1 Ausf. E.

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Got the 'dust' and dirt done. Just got to paint and fit the front and rear towing shackles, and make and fit a jack handle, and she's done.
I'll modify and paint the Commander figure when I get back from my 'Tin Tent' travels, next week.
In the side shots, the suspension is compressed slightly, as I didn't level the tank after placing it ion the 'hairy grass' mat.

I've got used to the sound system, with fairly realistic engine start, running rumble and engine shut - down, but I've yet to try the exhaust smoke, or load and fire the main gun.
Forty 'rounds' of 6 mm plastic BBs, auto load, with an effective range of 25 meters, using an air-soft 'hop up' system, giving a flat trajectory out to that range, with the 'round' capable of travelling at least half that again.
But the hull MG34 sounds good, with muzzle flash, if a bit slow regarding 'cyclic rate' - more like a Browning .50 cal.
Oh, it's great to be a kid again !!!
Brrmm, brrmm, clank, clank, ratatatatat .... BOOM !!

Now, I need to modify the sound system to play soothing music, and get shells filled with paint to make, like, pretty patterns man. and keep them positive waves going. Woof, woof !!!
Well, I'm heading off tomorrow, to eat some cheese, drink some wine, and, like, catch some rays man .............

Given I don't break the tank on my travels, I've noticed a couple of little things I can improve, and I'll have a firtle with it when I get back.
I want to slightly reduce the 'dust' coat in some areas if possible, and add accumulated dust around some nooks and crannies, and I also need to make and fit some 'blackout' headlamp masks, as well as the cupola mg mount.
I'll use the white metal mount for now, but eventually, I want to try to fabricate a more realistic one, using brass rod and sheet, if possible.
Thanks again to all for showing an interest in this little modelling diversion, and if I'm not on the forum later today (busy day sorting and packing etc), I'll be back towards the end of next week.
I used to see that every other weekend, when I was involved in lecturing at a tank driving place. The winning team of the day got to drive a Chieftain over a car.
Don't think the driver of the Challenger in the second pic is going to get away with "He was on the wrong side of the road " though !

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