1/24 Airfix Fw 190 a?

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Dec 25, 2010
While I await some bits for the Stuka from overseas I broke open the Anton. The plan is to just concentrate on doing exterior detailing and have a bit of fun painting. Much like i did with the Hurricane I built at the start of the year.

Have started work on the major panels, thinning edges and sanding fettling to get a better fit but I obsessed on the ETC 501 and got it finished less paint.

Hope you like. Itching to get back to work on the Berta....

Thanks Crimea, The seam is filled with superglue and sanded nice and flush as are the sink marks from the molding knock out pins. Though you'd never know it as it photographed as completely clear.

I use superglue and excelorator as my putty of first choice now. Fast and sands out nice and smooth.

Glad you like so far. Working on replacing the belly exhausts right now.


Done a fair bit of fettling and dry fitting of the major parts. So far so good.

Major problems in the front on top of the cowl just at the gun troughs( hope to fix it with some major shims). I'll need some shims at the front of the wing roots and on the belly at the back of the wing joint. Pretty good really for such an old kit. Cockpit fits in from the bottom but the wings needed a whopping great big brass spar to get some dihedral going. Shudder to think of how I'm going to get the landing gear to have that threefold angle right but I'll worry about that later.

Most of the rest of my time is on thinning edges down and drilling out vents and the like.

Starting to put the exhaust in from squished ali tube.

All good so far and trucking right along.

Glad you like the Anton so far. Hope to have more to share soon.

Thanks for dropping in for a look see.

Mr. Rutman cast up some magic for me

Got em in the post today and I'm stoked! Just need to build up a gear bay and insert all the bits and away I go.

The gear legs have brass rod in em to give strength. Nice work Mr. Rutman you are both a gentleman and a craftsman of high caliber.

I'm looking over my references and I think my exhausts are a bit too small... in two minds as to how or if I'll make them bigger.

I want to tackle the three cowl flaps this weekend too. I'm also playing around with using my new laser printer to heat transfer resists to make home made photo etching.

More later if it all works as advertised. All that and a hobby swap meet on Sunday. Looks to be a top weekend!

Thanks guys for all the warm and encouraging comments. Having quite a blast with this kit.

Not much to report as I spent much of the weekend trying to etch bits of brass

Also at SWMBO request(order) started to clean up the man cave.

Got my old eMac up and running and working with the new laser printer so more etching awaits.

Fw-190 got a new exhaust pipe, tricky sucker as lots had to be hacked out to make room for it.

Started work on the cowl flaps;

But on looking at these pics I may just rip it all out and do it again. Concept worked but execution pretty poor

Forgot to curve the lone flap and the others not too straight. Need to sleep on it before deciding.

Heaps more to do but will have to wait.

Thanks for looking.


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