1/24 mossie

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Senior Airman
Dec 9, 2008
I thought i would start a new thread on the mossie so it would be more easy for people to follow as i progress with the build .Ok so here goes.

Few its taken a week and a half so far and i still have to fit the seatbelts.BB

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I love working in big scale. Can't wait to get going on 32nd Merlin's Magic. Gotta finish the little ones first or I never will finish them.
At a guess i would say about 27 inches its almost as wide as the living room door way.BB
Nice work so far BB, looking forward to more.
Jamie, you must have a wife who is from a very, very rare species! Get out and get the kit before 'Female thougt process syndrome' kicks in!! Of course, there must be a ctach somewhere!
Here,s the cockpit with the belts fitted i think they really set it off also a couple of pics of part of the bomb bay.


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