1/32 Revell Spitfire MKIIa

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Progressing nicely!

I'll add my voice to the "be careful of anything not in the regulations" camp. Whilst errors were made, there was almost an obsession with regs. Much of the "devil may care" attitude of pilots is , wrongly, attributed at an exaggerated level. A case in point being the re-harmonisation of guns during the Battle of Britain which, (my research and experience has shown anyway) tended to be done at a SQUADRON level, not just random pilots. We have, I suspect, Mr Robinson to thank for that!!

Again, it did happen. I know of at least one senior pilot (who flew Hurricanes) who breeched regulations and obtained the full boost the engine would generate, by the simple expedient of sticking matchsticks in the holes in the Boost Cutout !!!! He was famed as having the fastest but most repaired/replaced Hurricanes in Fighter Command!
Doing things right, when doing the best thing possible sometimes does not convince us.
There is no better critic than yourself. And satisfaction is the reward.

Well done Dave

Saludos amigo
Hi Guys,

My apologies for being AWOL. A thing called life kind of got in the way of my bench time.

At any rate. I started on the landing gear and I finally got them to the level where I think they are good enough to attach the model Here are some shots. As stated previously, the gear legs are white metal and the wheels are the resin set from Barracuda Studios.


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