Thanks Guys. Just to keep the thread ticking over here's what I've been up to since my last post.
Photo 1. The port wing inner trailing edge. Straightforward enough, except for
(A). Here, instead of drilling grooves for the stringers and inserting them before the end spar is attached we are asked to cut and paste the stringers between the ribs, 27 pieces in all - then they all have to be lined up! Took forever. Someone didn't think this one through.
Photos 2 3. The flare chute step we were discussing a few posts back. This consists of eight parts with the smaller brass instructions plaque to be added when painted. This again was quite fiddly to line up with the angles correct, when in position. In fact, after following the instructions, it had to be disassembled and reassembled in position, to get it to look right. I ended up making the top of the box from plastic card as it looked a lot better than the part supplied.
Photo 3 shows it dry fitted in position but it will be removed and separately painted before final fitting.
Photo 4. Finally, the model, roughly assembled, to where we are now.
(A) is the trailing edge. the bottom of the flaps is attached later in the assembly.
(B) is the chute/step dry fitted. Nothing else has been added to the front cabin since my last post.
I think now, that the rest of the fuselage sections need to be partially stringed and painted so that they're ready for the next lot of sub-assemblies to be added as they are completed. That's what I'll be concentrating on next.
'Till the next time,