Thanks Terry, Martin, Jan Bill,
I've found it a bit slower to get back into this than I'd hoped, but have started to make some small progress.
As you know I'm hoping to finish the cabin and the nose section for a meeting later this month. I've collected all the missing pieces together and am finally getting on with it.
There are two parachutes required for this section, the pilot's and the bomb aimer's. But I thought that it would make more sense if I painted all the parachutes at the same time, so that meant going back through the relevant issues to locate them. The series supplies 5 'chutes and stowage boxes. The 6th came from a reordered issue. Everything is now ready for a coat of primer and painting.
(A) is the undercarriage lever and trim wheel unit that sits to the right of the pilot's seat. This has been partially assembled but won't be fully assembled until after painting as there are a number of colours involved.
(B) is the front valve (not supplied) made from a spare nut and button.
(C) is a scratch-built wheel that sits on the port fuselage, just behind the pilot's seat. however, it looks too small so will have to be re-done a size larger.
(D) are two cable junction boxes for the starboard fuselage, opposite the radio op's position.
(E) are overhead fuselage lights, one of which goes over the navigator's position (I think).
(F) are two cockpit lights to light the instrument panel.
This is the start of the bomb aimer's position. The metal bulkheads have been riveted and, after a coat of paint, will be glued to the bulkhead. Of course, it would have been much simpler if these could have been added before the nose section was built, but what's new! Everything is just test fitted for size.
(A) is a slanted triangular cover for the back of the central column supporting the instrument panel.
(B) is the oil tank/step to the bomb aimer's level. This is made from a plywood box covered in aluminium. Despite the flash reflection, you can just about see the grated top section.
(C) is the only piece that wasn't supplied. It's part of the cabin heating system and will be simulated with a spare pump I have.
(D) is the bomb aimer's parachute. The space to the right of the parachute will be filled by the camera stand, which still needs to be assembled and checked for fit.
That's progress to date. Thanks for looking in.