1/32 Tamiya Merlin's Magic P-51D Reno dio

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Thanks for keeping tabs....
I'm kinda stuck for continuing on MM as I need some more photos of details so I have sent off an email to Jim with a list of the shots I need.

And I am chomping at the bit to work on #14 and waiting for my decals for the Corsair. But then it's not like I don't have two others to work on, eh?

So I have done some more scratch building. The forklift idea is out the window, my shelf isn't tall enough for it so I have built a little prop stand. Will paint it yellow tomorrow. The tilt is approximate to the angle of the engine in the plane. *Have to add loops for the forklift to pick the stand up!


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I'm doing fiddley bits internal.
Gonna be a while before I have anything significant as Jim won't be able to get me the pictures I need til the week of the 4th of July as he lives half the length of California away from the plane.

So I will post the pictures of the finished prop stand.


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Thanks guys I been doin odds n ends. Wheel doors, filling holes and seams in the wings, puttin the ailerons and elevators together, and a bit of detail painting.

I have run across my first "adjustment" for misalignment, unless someone here knows better.

I did a dry fit of the black motor to the frame rails. Attaching instr panel to floor, firewall to that, and attaching the motor, by way of a single screw to the firewall. Seems at the tab on the firewall are two protruding pins. Doesn't mention anything about removing them, so I dint! However, if I don't, the engine has a real up attitude, that I don't think belongs there. I have added an arrow to show the distance from motor mount on the frame, to the lug on the engine........

Perplexing, I guess I must remove the pins?


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An adjustment would seem appropriate. With a detail like that, it would take only a very slight inaccuracy of those pins to through out the engine alignment quite a bit.

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