Thanks guys I been doin odds n ends. Wheel doors, filling holes and seams in the wings, puttin the ailerons and elevators together, and a bit of detail painting.
I have run across my first "adjustment" for misalignment, unless someone here knows better.
I did a dry fit of the black motor to the frame rails. Attaching instr panel to floor, firewall to that, and attaching the motor, by way of a single screw to the firewall. Seems at the tab on the firewall are two protruding pins. Doesn't mention anything about removing them, so I dint! However, if I don't, the engine has a real up attitude, that I don't think belongs there. I have added an arrow to show the distance from motor mount on the frame, to the lug on the engine........
Perplexing, I guess I must remove the pins?