I've finally managed to get around to doing some more work on the scratch-building, although slightly plagued by frustrations.
I had hoped my recently acquired punch set could be used to make the various sections of the instrument panel but, although neatly punched holes can be achieved, the soft plastic tends to 'dimple'. So, back to drilling I thought, then discovered I seem to have misplaced the relevant sized drill bits!
These things always seem to happen over a period when the shops are closed, so hopefully I can pick up some bits tomorrow.
Meanwhile, the internal cockpit sides have had the moulded detail removed, such as it was, and the kit part for the instrument panel has been filed and sanded to remove the raised detail. The panel will be used as a backing for the individual sections, which will be made from drilled plastic sheet, slices of tube, wire etc. The 'extra' panels and switch consoles on the starboard side of the main panel will also be added, as will the various controls, instrument and switch consoles on the cockpit walls.
More just as soon as there's something worthwhile to show.