Regarding toothpaste and its possible application to my masking needs, I let those waves cure for a couple of days, before applying the second color (RLM 76)
My first impression is that the waves widened a bit and are very sensitive to any light touch ...
I definitely should have used a mouthpiece about half the size I used.
In the
photo number 8 in the # 33 post, you can see that I used the dark green mouthpiece that is lying down, the one I had to use is any of the two green colors on the left of the photo.
I could not waste time to see the results, after applying the gray green, although it is definitely not what I expected.
My conclusions are:
1) It can work without any problem when you use enamel paints. To remove the toothpaste you can use a wet cloth or napkin or under a water stream it will be simple.
2) To mask by making thin lines, they should be
isolated lines and of a design not very curved.
3) It is very easy to touch by carelessness, so you have to take care of what is going ahead.
4) I have seen that they apply it with syringes with or without a needle (depending on what is required)
5) ideal to cover medium areas.
6) It is not what I need for this detailed scheme design in our 109.
Well, I had to try ... I already have another option (which Andy also considered in his "yellow 1"), apply Blu-tac "worms". So I'm going to prepare the other half of the plastic piece, to do the test.
Meanwhile I worked with the PE pieces that go over the exhaust pipes.
The starboard, which is longer and curved than the larboard ...
The masking of the exhaust pipes ...
... and the internal parts of the wing stabilizers.
The upper part of the 109 is ready for the first layer of RLM 74 Gray Green ...
I will come back later.