Geo comments, it is a lot of work "but I wanted to do more windows, in a kit that does not have", but at the same time I think we left many years ago the idea of
"armar avioncitos" and be a follower of instructions unconditional.
At this point in our lives is a hobby that in addition to breaking with the routine, also encourages us to continue innovating and learning (here in Mexico we say:
"Put the squirrel to work", that is to put the brain to work ).
Something that would not be the same either, without the closeness and companionship of all those around here, who greet each other, share and enjoy something that we like in common.
Alluding to your comment
Andy, the styrene pieces have done their job and the acrylic incrustation looks resistant. I take an approximate 3 hours / man, sanding each of the sides with each of the 5 fine sandpapers from 3000 to 12000 and in my obsession to achieve the best transparency in the windows, I use each sandpaper, first dry, then with water and as it is something that I only intend to do "only once", I prefer to spend more time than usual.
Finally it occurred to me to improve the appearance and I did the routine with the Novus 2 and there was noticeable improvement.
Making a stop to talk with you, allows me to clear a little and de-stress my hands !!
now I go with the other side!!, but I think it will be less than those 3 hours and weekend is coming.
In some other stop to breath, I'll start with the design of the bombs rack, I already have some images that will serve me.
Thanks for listening to me (I mean: read me) ...