1/48 Heinkel He-111 (1 Viewer)

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Fantastic Andy. Good call on the stencils of the decals I sent. As I was researching the proper way to address an envelope to Mexico, the last sentence said ".....good luck...." I hope it was meant as a joke
They look fantastic Andy, I'll be waiting to receive them and do them the honors.
On the fly any doubt that arises, I will let you know.
Muchas, muchas gracias!! :pilotsalute:
Fantastic Andy. Good call on the stencils of the decals I sent. As I was researching the proper way to address an envelope to Mexico, the last sentence said ".....good luck...." I hope it was meant as a joke
Well, it's written out in Spanish as our friend PM'd me so hopefully it gets there before the wall is built
Hahaha ... It's a great and funny mention. The wall is something that has us without much concern, .... And with him and without him, your shipments will reach their destination.

Un abrazo para ambos desde el otro lado del futuro muro!!

Good morning!!,... beginning to investigate the options of paint brands on the tone of Dark Earth, I found that it is a very dark color with respect to the photos we have:

I was going to start making some mixes between the colors I have, to give the tone of the photo; but I decided to look ... and it is actually darker.

With black background:

The number of F.S. is correct, what did I get??, do you have any other Federal Standard equivalence, or explanation for the similar US-Desert Sand tone of the photo?

Thanks in advance and I am attentive to your comments.

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Luis, the Dark Earth ( FS30118 or 30095 ) looks in the pic as very faded colour. Therefore it looks so light in the pictures. What is more the pic ( although taken with the colour film ) is not accurate with the colour palette I would say. I have seen other pics of German planes captured and tested by the RAF. And I have to say that sometimes the Dark Earth looks like in the colour chip above and sometimes just like in the pics. So it seems that's the matter of the photographic materials used for taken shots and the accurate representation of colours

Thank you for your quick response and great help!

The Geo equivalence table is more complete than I found, and your explanation Wojtek, is very accurate and convincing about the specific representation of colors for the types of photographic films of that time.
I checked both F.S. numbers and are practically the same.

I am doing some tests and I share them.

Thank you very much !!
Don´t worry Andy, it´s ok mi amigo

These are the colors that I have, I added the RLM71, which I do not think I use, because it will be virtually over-painted, by the Dark Earth

I know it does not help much lighting, resolution and can vary between each of our monitors or screens.

It is the most similar and easy to achieve for me, to give the tone of the Dark Earth, I thought about clarifying a little, but I think it will be at the time of washing and / or weathering, that the color is more "heterogeneous" and give a compelling appearance ... that I hope!

I will be pending news on my cell phone, I am going to a family meal!

Saludos y feliz dominguito!!
You may give a try to these ...

2: XF49 Khaki + 1: XF52 Flat Earth
4: XF52 + 2: XF3 + 1: XF51 + 1: XF2

and for the faded one

1: XF-72 + 1: XF49 + 1: XF55

The source: RAF Dark Earth
Depending on the period that LC wants to depict his model, the brown may or may not be faded. If it was shortly after capture, the paint would be reasonably fresh. Note that the colour pic above does not have the yellow outer band in the fuselage roundel and the bottom does not appear to be yellow.

My initial reaction is that the brown mix shown is a bit dark but then the camera is compensating for the white background so it's impossible to judge appropriately. As an example of how colours change under different conditions, take a look at my Hurricane colour chips prepared for our 5389 restoration:

Fluorescent Light:

Incandescent Light:


The chips and colour wheel are the same in every case.
You're absolutely right Andy, and there's nothing more clear than the photos you show. Being the same colors, how the tone varies according to lighting!
Many of the color mixes that Wojtek and Geo share, I've seen them before, and I do not have many of them (XF-52, XF-72, XF-51)
If I have time in the week to buy the Dark Earth of Vallejo 71.029 Although what I see in my mix of the XF-64 and 61, it does not look so bad, but better to visit hobbyshop.

I agree. It seems that the bomber was repainted a couple of times, especially at the national markings. Here is my attempt to get the chronology ...

As memo serves that is a shot taken soon after she was repaired and made airworthy. The second one seems to be taken at the same time. The RAF serial was of black. No traces of overpainting of the national markings yet. But the work on the camo painting seems to be finished contrary to her appearance in the fist image.

IMHO, this image of her should be here. I mean, between the initial state and getting ready to the participation in the move. Please note the black serial was overpainted. There aren't any additional traces of overpainting markings. Also she got the new exhaust pipes.

Here a pic from the movie she starred in 1941 or 1942. For the reason the LW markings were restored and the RAF signs overpainted. However the exhaust pipes aren'r seen clearly. But I would say these were of the later type.

Here a couple of images of here with the RAF markings restored. The LW markings + the swastikas were overpainted again. Please make a focus on the traces of overpainting on the fin and fuselage. The white serial was applied.

Here still with old style markings but the camo was getting worse. However some areas of her seem to be re-painted. ..eg, the top of the fin. The yellow ring of the fuselage roundel can't be seen because of the plane moving and poor copy of the freeze-frame taken from a movie, I would say.

And here the RAF markings of the new style were applied.. but the camo looks very worn..

Here, I'm not sure but she might have been repainted again but looks quite dusty.

In the pic with the red "germanyneon" watermark, I would suggest that there may be the start of brown paint on the starboard wing there as well. There is a lighter patch of colour inboard of the newly painted roundel and I see two other shades on that wing which could be the 70/71.

It's also interesting to compare the first and second pic. The red dot in the underwing roundel in the first pic is non-standard as it's too big. It seems to be correct in the 2nd 3rd and 5th pic for the standard A type.

Remind us again which version you are doing LC as you may not have any brown at all.

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