1/48 I-16 Type 10 - From WW1 to WW2 GB

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Thanks all for any comments and tips this builds almost completed!

Its that time in the build sanded (just a little putty was need around the wing routes) and ready for painting!

Again the Grey Green IJN scheme on her

Thats all I dared to take before she drys
heres another pic I found of a I-16 in Japan, it may even be of this specific machine since it appears to be an all over camo but can't speculate too much , it'll be very useful because of the cockpit hatch being down which I'll try to portray on my model
Looking good Igor. I don't have many references on the I-16, but notice the circle that looks like a hatch that I highlighted. I'm not sure if this was on all the variants or which variant they started to be added, but these were small windows that let in light so the pilot could better see the I.P. The last photo is from a Spanish civil war marked aircraft and is just a simple cut-out. The photos are of walkarounds of different types.

The first two do indeed look like "windows" and if you look closely, there appears to be a slot near the leather coaming, possible hand hold. The last looks like the hand hold, (if that is what it is) cut out too large.
Thank you so much for the info. fubar I was wondering what those circle was, but when I filled it in and painted over it, I completley forgot about it

I'll see about drilling holes into the airframe and fixing something custom for it. Since I don't have a clear shot of the I-16 in Japan cockpit, I might have to search a bit more and see if those were common practice on aircraft Theres also little room on this kit for such an adjustment with the cockpit being so tiny, I might have to go a bit smaller on the holes than they are in the pic we'll see

Excellent stuff to think about atm
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Bit of a bigger update today, just fixing the smaller parts in the kit:

First off after putty, re-applying the lines on the tail and wings:
Cutting with X-acto scalpel

Later I'll apply a little wash to make the panel stand out

Same thing for the Tail:

Next some evil seam lines I always seem to miss on the lading gear and propeler. They are pure evil, until taken care of! :


Don't know where the before of this one went but heres the after, scalpel taking the seam off, sanding and then paint to touch it up:

One of the legs of the landing gear, that seam line is rubbing me the wrong way:

Zoomed in for a better view, a bit blurry:

Now with an Xacto scalpel shaving off the seam line, sanding and then re-applying paint:

now a Zoom

and last but not least, a little bit of an engine painting shot, I tried Chrome Silver today, wasn't bad at all, just had to add a bit more thinner than I do with the Flat Aluminium the only problem is it isn't flash friendly, it almost looks like there is no Silver on these shots of the engine, I'll try again tomorrow just to see if I can get a better shot:

Just 1 painted atm

The whole engine painted:
Getting there Igor. Is that the Tamiya Chrome Silver? I've got two bottles and the paint seems to have a rough texture when I brush paint it.


Aye Geo, it is Tamiya Chrome Silver, the first shot there of the landing gear leg is when it was a little more clumpy, I added more thinner and it went on fine later. The prop is actually Chrome Silver on a later section of the build, since I airbrushed her. You have to dilute it a lot and then stir like crazy, I take twice as long to stir this silver than the other Tamiya colors I've got, or it ends up clumping :S

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