Bit of a bigger update today, just fixing the smaller parts in the kit:
First off after putty, re-applying the lines on the tail and wings:
Cutting with X-acto scalpel
Later I'll apply a little wash to make the panel stand out
Same thing for the Tail:
Next some evil seam lines I always seem to miss on the lading gear and propeler. They are pure evil, until taken care of! :
Don't know where the before of this one went but heres the after, scalpel taking the seam off, sanding and then paint to touch it up:
One of the legs of the landing gear, that seam line is rubbing me the wrong way:
Zoomed in for a better view, a bit blurry:
Now with an Xacto scalpel shaving off the seam line, sanding and then re-applying paint:
now a Zoom
and last but not least, a little bit of an engine painting shot, I tried Chrome Silver today, wasn't bad at all, just had to add a bit more thinner than I do with the Flat Aluminium the only problem is it isn't flash friendly, it almost looks like there is no Silver on these shots of the engine, I'll try again tomorrow just to see if I can get a better shot:
Just 1 painted atm
The whole engine painted: