1/48 Lindberg Jenny WIP

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Staff Sergeant
Mar 18, 2009
St Joseph, Missouri
Starting to build another of local aviator Art Hartman's aircraft. this is his "memory" Jenny.

Pic 5 - I guess the pilots are new, they have a sinking feeling in there stomach.


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Nice - apart from the vivid yellow plastic! I remember seeing this kit built into a beautifully detailed model some years ago, looking forward to your addition to the collection.
I reckon those pilots must have pulled a lot of 'G' to have that shape!!
I made that one a few years ago and it makes into a nice one right from the box. Should be spectacular with the aftermarket bits.

For it's age , it's not a bad little kit. Outline and wing shape are right on and the struts are actually close to the right size. Add a bit of detail to the cockpits (there wasn't much in the real things), some spoked wheels and a resin OX-5 and it should be a nice little show piece.
I'm doing a tutorial on spoked wheels using Tom's Modelworks PE:

Here's a link to the company:

T o m s M o d e l w o r k s . c o m

Rumors were that the company went out of business when the original owner died. The company is still up and running as one of his people bought it.


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The rest of the spoked wheel tutorial and the finished wheels for the Jenny build.


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Wing work.
Sanded down the rib "peaks" a little, they looked a little to pointy.
Filled and sanded down the ejector markings
Modified the wingtips (upper two are from another kit), Art had rounded upper wingtips on his Jenny (see pic).


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Not real pleased with the look of the tail surfaces. Overdone stitching and no rib look. Decided to go with an old scratchbuild technique using stretched sprue and liquid cement. This will be sanded when dry to replicate a slightly raised rib. Also patched up the usual sink marks.


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Interior rebuild.
Completely sanded out all sink marks, logos and position posts.
Added framework.


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