I have the the plane for the most part painted and starting to apply Future real early this time so it really cures.I have issues with future but thought I give it another shot on the ongoing builds.Colors are RLM 74,75 and 76.
I now have all the decals in play and have started the panel wash on the bottom.I did this wih a combination of RLM83(mistake) and RLM 66 which acually seemed to work to me at least for the RLM76.I started with Black up top on the R/wing but just seemed a little stark to me so a combination of 66 and black was made and I will polay with that tomorrow night hopefully.It scared me that when I went to wipe the paint was coming up and I had 3 coats of clear so down went another till tomorrow.
You can see the dark panel lines from this angle r/wing
Thks David,tonight I played with the 152's panels took a few efforts but getting the hang of it.I started bring it over here but hey 10PM and got one hour to get ready for bed,1.5hrs is better than none.Cheers