1/48 Mosquito B Mk IV - Heavy Hitters II GB

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Once again, thanks everyone for your continued interest. The model is at the stage where the only thing really going on is external finishing, making sure that the seams are clean, sanding, filling, etc.....my least favourite part of any project. Having said that, I'll show you a bit of progress starting with an overall shot of how the model looks at the moment. The gray areas are Tamiya primer applied to the important seams.

I also spent some time reverting the originally correct trim actuators back to the correct position and have re-riveted the spots that were obliterated in the modification. The

The clear navigation lights were glued in and blended in to the wing contour with fine sandpaper and a coat of Future. I had initially assumed the rear lights to be the same colour as the port/starboard red/green of the forward lights but fortunately checked my references before these were glued in. Turns out they are white.

Thanks for looking in again.
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Great stuff Andy, it's coming together nicely. Just looking at the rudder, the moudling for the seam tapes looks a tad heavy. Will you be sanding them down a touch, or do you think they'll be OK once painted?
Thanks again everyone. I'm flattered that you're still finding interest in this long build and appreciate the support.

Great stuff Andy, it's coming together nicely. Just looking at the rudder, the moudling for the seam tapes looks a tad heavy. Will you be sanding them down a touch, or do you think they'll be OK once painted?

Hadn't thought of that Terry but looking at this closer, you may have a point. I may pull the rudder off a sand it down a tad.
Thanks Steve.

Not much to show guys. Still filling a few gaps and resanding so all you'd see is the same sh!t over and over again. Will update when there's something less boring. I have what will likely be my last golf game of the season tomorrow before getting the skis out and hope to possibly get a coat of colour on this weekend.
Colour on the skis, or colour on the model whilst on the skis?!!
And I AM NOT jealous that you're ready to go skiing, honest ! (Oh look, my nose has grown .... nurse!).
Made a start on the tricky canopy masking. The canopy, with the observation bulges, came in three pieces which took some manipulation to fit properly.

Good stuff Andy, and looks like a nicely moulded canopy. How are you going to tackle the internal, tubular frames?
Still figuring out that one for my 1/32nd scale FBVI !
Thanks Terry. The canopy is well done by Revell though I wish they had just made 3 full canopies rather that the fiddly separate side window options which are hard to put in. As for the interior frames, I have no intention of replicating this as it's not worth the trouble for 1/48 scale. The tubes, although a bit prominent, really would only be realistically replicated at this scale if I used a vac-formed canopy and created the frames from wire on the inside. With the thickness of the kit plastic, it will suffice to just paint the exterior frames, perhaps also on the inside. I include for reference the pics below from our restoration project.

For 1/32, you may have a point that these may be noticeable and worth replicating but would again suggest starting with a vac-formed canopy.

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