1/48 MPM Heinkel He 177 A5 "Captured Bird", FINISHED :-) !!!

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Jerry, those interiors look fantastic, I'm sure that stumbling with the pedal will be solved.
I remain attentive to your formidable progress.

Greetings my friend.
Thanks a lot for all the nice comments regarding this build. THey are greatly apreciated!

I've done a bit more over the week-end.

First I made the new wing spars match the fuselage a bit better and altered the attachment points of the wings on the fuselage.
Here are the new longer wing spars and a pic with the wings attached to them. The dry fit is perfect. I strongly suggest to make a set of these wing spars should you ever tackle this kit.

I also glued some tabs in the fuselage, which will be a great help in lining out the rather long fuselage once it's glued. THis will greatly reduce the risk of misalignment and unecesary sanding and rescribing details afterwards.

And a close up of the mid fuselage gunner's emplacement. Not a lot of it will be seen. So need need to detail this compartment. The Eduard set has plenty of detail for the turret itself, which will be more then sufficient imho.

And last I finally managed to get the the cockpit floor in the correct position. I had to sand down one of the horizontal tabs that hold the the radio bulkhead in the fuselage. This is most likely due to a builders error as I think the actual cockpot floor is too long and I altered it.
As I was a bit worried about the "black hole" under the floor, i added a simple solution. I'm pretty sure it must have looked differently on the actual aircraft, but I think it looks ok. (anyway a lot better then nothing)

And in situ and painted, dry fitted in the fuselage.

I hope to close up the fuselage in the comming days and add the wings and tail turret. I'm sure there will some work sanding the fuselage and adding the clear parts as I read from other builds that these parts are tricky as well.
Nice work, especially on the wing spars.
I'm considering doing something similar on the Tamiya 1/48th scale Lancaster when I get around to correcting and building it, mainly to avoid the kit wing attachment tabs being seen through the ope escape hatch.
A bit of an overdue update on this build, but I finally achieved mating the wings to the fuselage. This thing is BIG and getting the wings propperly aligned proved to be very difficult. Even though I made a pretty sturdy wing spar, I noticed that the right tip of the wing sat higher then the left one after dry fitting. I ended up glueing a plastic card strip at the bottom of the right wingroot to get the wings even.
Given the nature of this kit, being short run, I suspect there is a bit of a wrap in either the fuselage of the wings. Though it's minimal, it took quiet a effort to get a "right" look. I havn't attached the tailplanes yet, so I hope these won't give me alignment troubles as well...
The weak side of this kit really is the wing attachment to the fuselage imho.

As you can see I had to "replace" some detail on top of the fuselage. Even thouhg MPM beautifuly rendered the "enforecement" strips on top of the turrets, spine and on top of the bomb bay, these were lost after the fuselage was sanded to get both halves fit. as this detail is quiet prominent on the real aircraft, I had to come up with some kind of replacement. Plastic card was not an option as it would be very thin and most likely affected by the glue used to get it over the curves of the fuselage's spine. I opted for Aluminum self adhesive tape I bought at a hardware store. It sticks very well, is easy to cut and can be easely sanded with both sandpaper and steel wool.

I'm also beginning to understand why there a so few online builds of this model. I'm almost two months into the build and have achieved little when compared to other builds...(not taking Sanger's Ki-67 in account...)
MPM's he 177 is not an easy build, though a very enjoyable one so far imho.

Here a few quickly taken pics. At +65 cm wing span this is by far the biggest model I have ever build...


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