It has taken far too long, but here it is, calling this one finished! I think I must have picked up a series of cold/flu's as I am still having symptoms. This latest is marked by extreme pain in the joints, when I get up in the mornings I have to take a cocktail of pain killers just to walk.
But enough about that.
I had a lot of fun researching this one and am glad to have learned more about the Australians that flew these machines on endless patrols.
This one is the first aircraft of the Squadron, A48-1 done in the markings when first entered into service. Many of the Kingfishers recieved different paint and markings over a long career, the last being retired in 1953.
Thanks for looking in!
I think I must have picked up a series of cold/flu's as I am still having symptoms. This latest is marked by extreme pain in the joints, when I get up in the mornings I have to take a cocktail of pain killers just to walk.
I had no idea Paul. Aches and pains are not easy to deal with. Mine aren't that severe, I feel for you.
I must say, in spite of all that you do some nice work. I sure like this one.