1/48 Revell AT-6 Texan

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Thanks all. Couple of pictures before we get to the "Wot the hell was I drinking when I started this project ?" photos.
The 1st photo is a shot of the snowfall I am about to get(getting it as I type)
The next one is my new toy and the other is a tire-man doing re-torques. He is 5'10", using him for scale.

Golly, that sure is pink. Going to let it dry for a few hours and remove the tape. A couple of questions I need help with. Didn't realize it was gloss until I was halfway done painting the canopy. I might just leave the entire model in gloss but is there a fool(heavy on the fool)proof way to dull coat the frames?. Second, trying to re-size scanned decals and change the roundel colours but every time I test print them they are never the same size. Any thoughts on this would be great.
*I know its not the same pink as the article but close enough for me.

Man, that is one big, **** off truck !
Easiest way to matt coat the frames is with a small brush, using a matt varnish (or an acrylic clear coat with Tamiya Flat Base added). If your hands ain't steady enough, just mask around the frames.
Re the decal sizing - select the size you want, and use 'step and repeat' - Control and C, then Control V.
Final paint for the night.

And now the nightmare. Test fit the back 2/3 of the canopy....1mm too narrow on both sides. Much too thick to try and stretch it out so might try to fair it in with white glue. Never done this before so I'm open to suggestions. Somewhere done in the dungeon I have the alternate parts for the Italeri T-6 so I might check out that route.
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Looking good so far. I'm almost ready to deal with the canopy on my Harvard - don't know yet what the fit is like of the sliding sections, but I'd like to have maybe both canopies open, or at least the front one. Soon find out if the rear fits under the centre canopy, and the front over it !
Might be better to add plastic card spacers to the cockpit sill, for the canopy sections to sit on. Once adjusted to satisfaction, the joints can be sealed with a bead of PVA, and painted over if required.
Thanks guys. Still working out a solution to the canopy and taking a short break. Apparently paint doesn't stick very well to tears. This is usually when I put the model back in the box but not this time. 6 out of 7 voices have put up a challenge and I accept.
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Just test fitted my Italeri canopy. There is no way the rear section can go under the centre section, or the front over the centre section. Not yet ready to fit it, but will find a solution to have the front canopy at least part open.
Not a good day for canopies Terry. Finally found my other Italeri T-6 kit and the rear piece of the canopy(pt53) is split in two. Found a large piece of clear plastic and might try and crash form it over the Revell canopy just to make it more flexible to spread and fit using spacers as you mentioned. Never done this before but I understand I have to grow a third hand.
Just spent 5 hours driving through a snow storm and it's travel day to work tomorrow so one week until another update. Thanks all for the interest shown and advice given.

You could try moulding the relevant canopy sections - it's not that difficult, although takes time in the preparation stage.
Have a look at my Mosquito thread in the 'Start to Finish' builds, which shows how it's done. Fairly straight forward for the shape of the main canopy sections.
Thanks Terry.The person I'm "borrowing" the internet from has finally logged on. Can't wait to see the results of your rudder cables. Here is a photo of my canopy issue.

As you can see, the plastic is quite thick.
Oh, well, off to the mines. Home on Sunday barring any more snow warnings.

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I see a few options:

Sand down the fuselage to match the canopy - but you've already painted.

Get an after market Vac form canopy.

Make one like Terry did for his Mossy.

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