1/48th Hobby Boss FAA Martlet Mk I Build

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Just a quick update to let everyone know I am still at it. Have not got much done due to the work schedule but something is better than nothing. Next will be to plug these in and extend the fuselage ahead of the gear bay. Then the fun of scratching a new cowl. Oh Joy !The picture is not great but neither is the camera.
Time for an update! Managed to get some work done today after working my sweet aunt fanny off all week.
The unmodified kit cowl
The cowl with reinforcing bulkhead glued in
The main fuselage glued up
And the cowl glued on. The black line just ahead of the cooling flaps is where the cowl will be cut off. The flaps will disappear and the whole thing will be puttied in and rescribed. Owing to the larger diameter of the Wright Cyclone engine, the Martlet had a cowl with almost no taper to it forward of the cooling slots (no flaps). No after market accesory for this one, it's old school modelling time.
Let the glue dry overnight and then cut the cowl free. Carved off the cooling flaps, puttied and now just waiting to dry. The need for the bulkhead is obvious now. It will support the new engine as well as keeping it all from distorting from the punishment it is about to take. Think I will start turning the master for the new cowl I have to vacu-form. By the way, I have NEVER done this before so wish me luck.
Good luck Bruce, although given you get a good finish to the wooden master, the moulding should be fine. Hard part is getting a clean cut for the open front to the cowl.
I have not had much of a chance to work on this as of late. Work, family, my flooded basement and not being able to sit due to my back injury are taking a toll. That having been said, I did make a little progress.

The fuselage extension has been faired in and the rescribing has begun.

The master for the new vacuform cowling is done. The next time I will not use white oak. What a pain in the butt to turn. Had to order some sheet styrene as I was out and did not realize.

And lastely, the rescribing on the wing gun panels has begun. Once the new lines are scribed in I will fill in the old and sand off.

Thanks for looking.

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