1/48th Tamiya zero rufe fighter with water base

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Jan 10, 2011
hello,im new here.
i have already finished this a month ago.
now i want to share the process with my new friends here

a very old kit you can see.

it was producted when Tamiya is still in 小鹿,not 恩田原 now.

a yellow dashboard....too old

the cockpit ,i made the safe belt out of a piece of soft metal sheet and paint the cockpit with misubishi cockpit colour and make some worn-out with silver.(sorry about my eng T_T)

beacuse this is a old kit ,so it is a convex line one.i sanded them off and carved each of the panel lines.then cover the whole model with water putty.

joint the fuselage and put cockpit inside.

little tricks here.i put a micro motor (like in the cell phone) inside to drive the propeller. fixed with some AB putty. very strong.

here it gose

as i want to tell a story. i decided to add some figures here. i change the position and some details(like the hat and pants). i got the right one out of the left one.

he is on the craft .and i add all the rivet to the plane .its really a hard work

you can see i made some fade away in both on the enginecover and the body.this is not the final result.

the down side of the craft ,you can see so many rivets and where the wires comes out.

beacuse of the decale of the model is tooo old. i paint the mark with masking tape.

the final result of the body after painting and peel off
and here is two my newest stuff...they dont fly

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Awesome job, but no images of the finished result of the Rufe? (maybe I misunderstood when you said you finished it a month ago?)
I love the engine idea, I'm now thinking of doing the same thing with my zero, and add a battery in the droptank along with an on/off switch..

あなた は 日本人 でしょうか。
ぼく は 日本語 が べんきょう を する。
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Wow, superb work. The extra work on the panel lines and rivets looks extensive and time consuming but certainly adds to the look of quality in the finished model. Also very good and subtle paintwork. The Tiger and T34 look good too.

Thanks for posting the photos, and we look forward to seeing the finished item.
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thx for your comment.the plane was finished now, but its a start to finish zone you know .so i have to post it step by step.(^^)i will add some more pics today. the idea you said is doable.but i would not recommend you to put the bettery in the drop tank,beacuse it's too small.my experince is to put button betteries in the body and a little push switch there. and to make the Junction of drop tank a recharging port.May be helpful(^^)
BTW:im not a japanese.im a chinese.so dont speak japanese myself .but as the two languages are similar.i can read most.
thank you .

here is the story. a mechanical offier check the engine and report to the pilot who will take a mission."engine checked, everything is OK""thanks"

test run

i made the sight with 0.2mm transparent plastic board. better than the original one.

at first, i would like to make the water with coloured clear resin .but i failed.
a bad try.

the final result .i make the water with clear resin but paint the ground under the water.it looks good.just like the water around the island of the southern pacific ocean.and the wooden bridge you can see.it was built for pilots.

finished~~~though the frame of the base need to repaint.

Ah sorry about that, I was almost certain with some of the signs you left in this sentence "it was producted when Tamiya is still in 小鹿,not 恩田原 now."
(I only recognize the sign for small and the sign for ricefield)

I forgot that those are actually Chinese signs which are used by Japanese as well (and Korean to a certain extent)


And now that you mention it, the drop tank is quite small..
I was hoping to fit a AAAA battery, but I realize it would be impossible..
It would be funny as a "fuel" source for the engine though

I wanted to be able to switch batteries, but putting in a recharging one might be a good idea, thanks.
As long as it doesn't become too warm while charging..

Edit: *looking at the pictures* Holy mother of.. wow that looks amazing! Love the water effects, I really want to try and make a seaplane with a water base myself! The water looks very realistic!
Great work, and the weathering on the plane looks great!
Just one thing that stands out a bit, the wooden planks on the jetty, the wood looks too fresh, needs a bit of weathering
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Thank you for your encouragement.
to swith bettey and to FULE the plane is a good iead. But i think you need to have a custom made bettery. And the price will be unfriendly.
The heat you mentioned, will not be a problem if you charge it correctly.
It will always below 50C.(the PS plastic will not became even a little soft below 90-100C)

Here is another way for running propeller. You can settle the plane on a solid base.and use tinny copper wires(0.2-0.4mm)to connect the motor. the wires
through the body and come out from the landing gear bay,and alone the landing gear down as the breaking oil pipes,finally get in to the base .So you can put any other things inside the base,such as betterys ,switch and so on.And even a AC/DC adaptor.
You quite know something about our language~amazing.The two words are address's name in japan .
Literally,"小鹿"= little deer.
But "恩田原"with no actual meaning .
"田原"= somekind of field not only rice,can be any field.(you are quite right!!).
"小"=small, young,short
Yes, the planks of the jetty is too new,the color is jump....beacuse i ruined the old one while washing. they became chocolate bars. so i just left them there fresh and white.T_T
but after,i found some excuse for that~~XD. the bases of RUFE fighters are all way move with the front .So the jetty is always rebuilt and stay new.besides the jetty there is built from coconut wood but pine or fir .....so its a little bit more white.
just excuse for my idleness XD
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Ah, the explanation for the jetty makes sense..
The wood probably soaked up the entire wash, not sure but perhaps you could use matt varnish or something, might make the wood soak up less of the wash so you can paint it.

But I still think it needs some more detail or depth to look like it belongs, especially since the plane looks so real, perhaps clear wash with a little bit of black, to paint some of the planks and at the waterline so they look like they are wet?

Also, shouldn't there be a rope from the plane attached to the jetty?
Yes,I think you are right,i will repaint the jetty and add a piece of rope(totally forgot the rope.T_T)thank you for your advice.
I have a land-based HASEGAWA a6m5 here.comming soon
Thank you guys.I'm really happy~~but still so much need to improved.
BTW:I heard that only acrylic paint can be sold there in Euro and North America,means that no Gunze Mr.colours. Is that ture?
Excellent work! One idea for the jetty is to use a thin wood stain, say pine, which would just darken it slightly. If that's not available, a little wash of cooking oil will do the trick.
Enamel paints are still available in Europe, and I hope they don't become discontinued, as there are rumours that they might!

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