1/72 Italeri Hs 126 B1; MTO Group Build

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Looking great from here Dwight! Hope the decals all work out alright.

MotherFv*king Decals. Crap!

Didn't notice until too late that the fuselage crosses are slightly misregistered. Those are the only ones I have and they're on to stay. Oh well, too late to fix that. (look at the bottom close up on the aft end of the port fuselage cross - didn't see that until it was too late. Bummer.)

On top of that, the starboard side Cross AND the "CK" totally disintegrated on me. Everything was going on just fine and then BANG!. Fracking CK on the starboard side totally distintegrated. Piss me OFF!

Edit: I can't fix the registration issue on the port cross but at least I managed to find spares for the port side Cross and the CK.

Here's the pics of the port side at any rate. Starboard replacements are going on now. Now I need to dig up some swastikas for the tail.


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What size Hakenkreuz mate? I've got spares.

As for the mis-registration on the Balkenkreuz, I'd trim them with a craft-knife, or carefully paint out the excess white in the fueslage colour.
What size Hakenkreuz mate? I've got spares.

As for the mis-registration on the Balkenkreuz, I'd trim them with a craft-knife, or carefully paint out the excess white in the fueslage colour.

I'll give the craft knife a go and see what gives.

Checking on the size of the Hakenkreuz now ... okay, they should be something like 1/8 inch or 9/64 inches max measured along the interior arms if that makes sense. Black Interior with white border.
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That's why the ID code is _F+CK 8)

Funny, I bet the ID code was said several times after the little incident with the Future.

Right on both counts!

Although in all honesty, the Future incident was my fault. I simply did not wait long enough to make sure the clear coat on the Hs 123 had cured completely. I have not had any problem with the Future on the Hs 126 so far - knock on wood. In fact, the replacements for the starboard side decals have gone down wonderfully so far.
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This one is almost done. Two weeks and counting past the extended deadline, but almost finished.

I managed to fix the port side cross. I ended up using Micro Set to lift off the mis-registered cross decal and replaced it with one taken from my OTHER Hs 126 kit, which now leaves that second kit short BOTH fuselage crosses. But at least THIS kit has a decent set of fuselage crosses now.

I also managed to scrounge a pair of swastikas from a set of Bf 109 E after market decals. (actually TWO sets of swastikas - since I need a second set for the Hs 123 as well).

Added the access steps on the port side as well. I've opted to leave the bomb rack empty (visible in the pic below). The reason is that the bomb provided in the kit has a tail ring and that along with it's size makes it more akin to either a 250 kg or possibly a 500 kg SD or Armor Piercing bomb which is WAY bigger than the 150 kg payload limit of the Hs 126. Plus the bomb provided in the kit is poorly molded and I think it just detracts from the kit. So I left it off. It would be an easy add though.

All that remains is to add the underwing markings, finish adding the rear cockpit MG and then give the entire model a final matt coat.


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