1/72 Italeri Hs 126 B1; MTO Group Build

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Not sure about the clear coat on the top wing. Think I might have oversprayed it. But here's the finished construction sans the decals. Decals should go on Sunday after the Future coat dries.


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Thanks guys. :)

One last change in plans. I'm going to do the markings for 5F+CK and not 5F+AK Turns out that the plane's marking included the large letter C or A on the underside of the parasol wing outboard of the Hackenkreuz. The kit decals have one for the CK plane but I don't have a spare I can find for the AK plane. Im still looking but as of now, it's the CK build. :)
Thanks everyone, but I have bad news. Due to a problem I had with the HS 123, I am withdrawing BOTH the Hs 123 and Hs 126 from judging. You can read the details of what happened in the Hs 123 thread but it occured during the application of the decals and I'm afraid the same that thing that happened to the Hs 123 will happen to this bird as well.

Bottom line is until I can figure out WHAT happened, I can not risk damaging BOTH builds and as the likely culprit is a reaction between the Future and the Micro Sol, I can not procede with the decals on the Hs 126. I don't feel comfortable having this plane judged on a less than complete basis so I as I said in the Hs 123 thread, I will settle for the MTO build badge and call it a day.

Best of luck to everyone in the judging.
Dwight...I think you can apply some gloss clear acrylic varnish at these areas where all markings have to be applied.The acrylic coat dries quick co you can add these decxals in a three hours Then you can finish the models covering all surfaces with matt varnish.
Dwight...I think you can apply some gloss clear acrylic varnish at these areas where all markings have to be applied.The acrylic coat dries quick co you can add these decxals in a three hours Then you can finish the models covering all surfaces with matt varnish.

Thanks Wojtek.

I'm pretty sure I don't have any clear acrylic varnish on hand and since the Future coat underneath is NOT likely to be dry based on the Hs 126 reaction, I'm not sure I want to muddy the water, so to speak, by tossing another clear coat over this one.
I see. That's a pity my friend.:(

Yeah, I'm not a happy camper right now. :(

It's not a biggie. It was fun doing the builds anyway. It's my own fault for d!cking around - 4 months plus a two week extension should have been plenty of time to finish these, and then rushing at the last minute.

It's NOT a unrecoverable catastrophe. At the VERY worst, I could always just strip off the upper wing surface and repaint it. At the least, Kevin is right and I just reactivated the Future and need to let it cure again.

Besides, the decals I had planned on using were giving me issues so I'm likely going to have to find some new ones for this plane anyway.

Appreciate the concern and all the help. :)
Many thanks VB. :) I've still got a little more than 7 hours to go for midnight. Let me see if Kevin is right and maybe the haze will disappear and future just needs to cure longer. I'll take the pics sans decals just in case. :)

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