1/72 Savoia-Marchetti S.55X - Seaplanes / Floatplanes of WWII

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Capt. Vick

Jul 23, 2008
Long Island, New York
User Name : Capt. Vick
Name : Jim
Category : Beginner
Kit : Delta 2 Savoia-Marchetti S-55X
Scale : 1/72
Accessories : RCR Photo Etch Set, Falcon Vax Canopy (if I can find them) 2 x Isotta-Fraschini Asso 750V engines

The Savoia-Marchetti S.55 was a double-hulled flying boat produced in Italy beginning in 1924. Shortly after its introduction it began setting records for speed, payload, altitude and range. It featured a couple of unique design features, such as all the passengers or cargo were placed in the twin hulls, but the pilot and crew captained the plane from a cockpit in the thicker section of the wing between the two hulls. The S.55 had two inline counter-rotating propellers, achieved by mounting the twin engines back to back. The engines were canted sharply at an upward angle. Two wire-braced booms connected the triple-finned tail structure to the twin hulls and wing.

Number built: 243+ (Who knew?!?!)

It is my hope to build the S.55X variant fitted with Isotta-Fraschini Asso 750 engines for North Atlantic formation flights, later armed and used as a reconnaissance-bomber. 25 built. The aircraft went on to serve in the Regia Aeronautica as a long-range bomber and patrol aircraft, but by World War II, the last S.55s were no longer serviceable and were in reserve.

Text (mostly) from Wikipedia

(Bought without box at recent model show.)

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Thank you gentlemen for the kind words of encouragement. Andy, Mike, Siggy Master, Rogi and all. I hope to amaze and astonish (myself mostly) by just finishing!

Wayne: Yes, I'm sure we were all hoping for the miracle of world peace, but sadly that was out of my hands so I figured this was the next most unlikely thing on the list.

Charles: That is some RC plane! Could you possibly plug your friend for any info he may have from the build that would tell me what is under the canopy BEHIND the pilot and co-pilot? The bit of information that I have seems to hint at a rearward facing crew member. Would be much obliged amigo!

Kevin: I would be happy if mine came out 1/10 as good, much less half!

Well the guy I bought the kit from warned me: "It's a little warped" He wasn't kidding! Believe me, it's even worse than the pictures let on...

I intend to get all technical and use the following method, or there abouts, to get it as near to normal as possible and then brace it from the inside with a box spar and maybe ribs(?). That's the plan anyway.

"Straightening Warped Plastic Without Drama" by Mike Poole, Austin Scale Modeler's Society

Wish me luck and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!

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